Q1.Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow: (12)
1. My ex-boss Aveek Sarkar used to say about me, with a mixture of admiration and pity, that I am the only person he knew who understood Bofors. Both the admiration and the pity are - at least, in retrospect - easy to understand. He
admired me for understanding a scandal that was so complex that none of his other employees could even begin to comprehend it. But he pitied me for devoting so much time to an issue that - in the final analysis - was worth so little.
2. In my defence, I will also use an Aveek Sarkar - like qualified statement. Bofors was not really worth so little. It defined Indian politics at the end of the 1980s.Such was the impact of the scandal that it destroyed the greatest mandate ever awarded by an Indian electorate - Rajiv Gandhi’s 1984 election victory. Its impact can still be felt today as the Hindujas battle charges relating to the scandal in the Delhi courts.
3. You’ve probably forgotten what the Befors scandal was about. In 1986, the Indian army awarded a contract for the purchase and manufacture of howitzers to Bofors, a Swedish arms giant. To date, nobody, not even the worst critic of the deal, has suggested that there was anything wrong with the gun or that the choice of weapon was wrong. So that was never the issue.
4. But in 1987, Swedish radio suggested that bribes had been paid to secure the deal. A mature government would have sat back and waited for proof. But Rajiv’s team was young and inexperienced. It issued a self-righteous statement not only denying that any bribes had been accepted but also, that no commissions(normal in any deal, especially in the arms industry) had been paid.
5. The Swedish radio broadcast coincided with the imminent exit of V. P. Singh from the Cabinet. As Defence Minister, Singh had ordered an inquiry into the HDW submarine deal (swung by Indira Gandhi’s government), so reports of a scandal involving Rajiv’s regime were perfect to create a corruption issue out of nothing.
6. Because nobody had any evidence, the opposition resorted to lies and speculation. Rajiv had taken a bribe, somebody said. Sonia’s family had taken the money, somebody else added. No, it was Amitabh Bachchan who was the front-man. And so on. All of this was not only completely
unsubstantiated (then and now), but most of those who made these claims knew they were lies.
7. The only genuine breakthrough in the case came when Chitra Subramaniam of The Hindu got access to Bofors documents from Sweden. These documents showed that even though the government claimed that no commission had been paid, three companies had got money in connection with the deal. In subsequent articles, The Hindu identified one company as Pitco and suggested it was owned by the Hindujas. A second was called Svenska, and linked to Win Chadha, Bofors’ official
agent in India. A third was called AE Services, registered in Surrey, England, but the identity of its owners remained a mystery.
8. Rajiv was told that the scandal was part of a CIA plot to destabilize India. He had to fight the charges and those who investigated them. And so on.
9. As an inexperienced leader Rajiv wilted under pressure, his political opponents stepped up the personal attack. V.P. Singh claimed to have the number of Rajiv’s Swiss bank account. (He meant the number of the Pitco account).Ram Jethmalani claimed there was a strong circumstantial case against Rajiv. Leading news papers claimed that Sonia’s brother-in-law had got the money. And poor Amitabh became the focus of
the attack.
10. In retrospect, some things seem clear. One: Bofors had lied. It had claimed that there were no agents but had actually paid commission to three separate entities. Two: this was not such a big deal. Show me an arms deal over the last 50years where no commissions have been paid, and I’ll show you a unicorn. And three: a commission to an arms dealer is not proof of corruption unless you can show that the commission was used to influence the selection of the gun, or shared with a politician, general or bureaucrat. To date, nobody has demonstrated that.
11. But the Indian government launched an incredibly inept cover-up operation. Rajiv was told that to now admit that commissions had been paid by Bofors, would be tantamount to admitting that the deal was corrupt. (I never understood the logic of this advice. If we got the best gun and Bofors lied to us about the commission it paid, then why was this Rajiv’s fault?)
12. Bofors claimed that AE Services offered consultancy services. I went to its registered office in Surrey and found that it was only a post box. A company search revealed that it had no employees at all.
13. Looking back, it’s easy to see what had happened. The policy of the Indian
government was: no agents on defence deals. But this policy never works. So the big arms companies continued to hire agents. They just lied about hiring them and paid the commissions secretly to Swiss bank accounts and post boxes.
14. What we still don’t have is a shred of evidence that anybody who received any money from Bofors shared it with any public servant, let alone with Rajiv Gandhi. Despite all the anti-Hinduja publicity, I would be surprised if the CBI secures any kind of conviction against them under the Prevention of Corruption Act. It is not a crime to take a commission and the CBI has no proof that bribes were paid out of those commissions.
15. So, what does the whole sorry Borofs saga teach us? Several things. One: there is no limit to the irresponsibility of Indian politicians when it comes to their own advancement. They will say anything if it helps them get ahead. Two: we have wasted far too long on a case that amounts to nothing; bigger scams now occur everyday.
16. And three: nobody considered it worthwhile to defend a man who is dead and whose party is in opposition. Whatever else Rajiv Gandhi was - and in handling Bofors, he was both inexperienced and badly advised - he was completely innocent of the charges leveled against him. Sixteen years later, not one shred of evidence has surfaced.
17. And any politician who still uses Bofors to besmirch the good name of a dead man should be ashamed of himself.
a) Answer the following questions briefly: (9)
(i) Mention the impact of Bofors till date. (2)
(ii) How did the media try to prove that Rajiv Gandhi was corrupt? (1)
(iii) Name three companies to which commission had been paid. (2)
(iv) What picture of leaders does the Bofors saga paint? (2)
(v) In which year did the Indian army award a contract for Bofors guns and why? (2)
b) Find out the words from the passage which mean the same as: (3x1=3)
(i) soil/tarnish(Para17) (ii) recollection(para1) (iii) adoration(para1)
Section B Writing
Q2 The older generation is wonder-struck by the changed behaviour of the modern Indian women and their involvement in national and social affairs.Write an article on the awakening of Women.You are Edwin/Edla.
Section C (Literature)
Q3 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:
It would be an exotic moment,
Without rush, without engines;
We would all be together,
In a sudden strangeness
a) What is referred to as exotic? 1M
b) What is the normal way of the world? 1M
c) What sudden strangeness does the poet mention? 2M
Q4 Answer the following questions in 30-40 words each: 2x3=6M
a) How do you know that the poet does not advocate death and inactivity?
b) What is the sadness that the poet refers to?
Q5 Point out at least FIVE instances of unexpected reactions from the characters to others’ behaviour in the ”Rattrap”.(150words) 10M
Q6 Answer the following questions in 30-40 words each: 2x2=4M
a) From where did the peddler get the idea of the world being a rat -trap?
b) What doubts did Edla have about the peddler when she saw him for the first time?
Q7 Answer the following question in 125-150 words: 4M
”Take care of small things and big things will take care of themselves”. What is the relevance of this statement in the context of Antarctica?
Time Allowed:90mts. Max. Marks:50
Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:
1. My ex-boss Aveek Sarkar used to say about me, with a mixture of admiration and pity, that I am the only person he knew who understood Bofors. Both the
admiration and the pity are - at least, in retrospect - easy to understand. He
admired me for understanding a scandal that was so complex that none of his other employees could even begin to comprehend it. But he pitied me for devoting so much time to an issue that - in the final analysis - was worth so little.
2. In my defence, I will also use an Aveek Sarkar - like qualified statement. Bofors was not really worth so little. It defined Indian politics at the end of the 1980s. Such was the impact of the scandal that it destroyed the greatest mandate ever awarded by an Indian electorate - Rajiv Gandhi’s 1984 election victory. Its impact can stil lbefelt today as the Hindujas battle charges relating to the scandal in the Delhi courts.
3. You’ve probably forgotten what the Befors scandal was about. In 1986, the Indian army awarded a contract for the purchase and manufacture of howitzers to Bofors, a Swedish arms giant. To date, nobody, not even the worst critic of the deal, has suggested that there was anything wrong with the gun or that the choice of weapon was wrong. So that was never the issue.
4. But in 1987, Swedish radio suggested that bribes had been paid to secure the deal. A mature government would have sat back and waited for proof. But Rajiv’s team was young and inexperienced. It issued a self-righteous statement not only denying that any bribes had been accepted but also, that no commissions (normal in any
deal, especially in the arms industry) had been paid.
5. The Swedish radio broadcast coincided with the imminent exit of V. P. Singh from the Cabinet. As Defence Minister, Singh had ordered an inquiry into the HDW submarine deal (swung by Indira Gandhi’s government), so reports of a scandal involving Rajiv’s regime were perfect to create a corruption issue out of nothing.
6. Because nobody had any evidence, the opposition resorted to lies and speculation. Rajiv had taken a bribe, somebody said. Sonia’s family had taken the money, somebody else added. No, it was Amitabh Bachchan who
was the front-man. And so on. All of this was not only completely unsubstantiated (then and now),but most of those who made these claims knew they were lies.
7. The only genuine breakthrough in the case came when Chitra Subramaniam of The Hindu got access to Bofors documents from Sweden. These documents showed that even though the government claimed that no commission had been paid, three companies had got money in connection with the deal. In subsequent articles, The Hindu identified one company as Pitco and suggested it was owned by the Hindujas. A second was called Svenska, and linked to Win Chadha, Bofors’ official
agent in India. A third was called AE Services, registered in Surrey, England, but the identity of its owners remained a mystery.
8. Rajiv was told that the scandal was part of a CIA plot to destabilize India. He had to fight the charges and those who investigated them. And so on.
9. As an inexperienced leader Rajiv wilted under pressure, his political opponents stepped up the personal attack. V.P. Singh claimed to have the number of Rajiv’s Swissbank account. (He meant the number of the Pitco account).Ram Jethmalani claimed there was a strong circumstantial case against Rajiv. Leading newspapers claimed that
Sonia’s brother-in-law had got the money. And poor Amitabh became the focus of the attack.
10. In retrospect, some things seem clear. One: Bofors had lied. It had claimed that there were no agents but had actually paid commission to three separate entities. Two: this was not such a big deal. Show me an arms deal over the last 50 years where no commissions have been paid, and I’ll show you a unicorn. And three: a commission to an arms dealer is not proof of corruption unless you can show that the commission was used to influence the selection of the gun, or shared with a politician, general or bureaucrat. To date, nobody has demonstrated that.
11. But the Indian government launched an incredibly inept cover-up operation. Rajiv was told that to now admit that commissions had been paid by Bofors, would be tantamount to admitting that the deal was corrupt. (I never understood the logic of this advice. If we got the best gun and Bofors lied to us about the commission it paid, then why was this Rajiv’s fault?)
12. Bofors claimed that AE Services offered consultancy services. I went to its registered office in Surrey and found that it was only a post box. A company search revealed that it had no employees at all.
13. Looking back, it’s easy to see what had happened. The policy of the Indian
government was: no agents on defence deals. But this policy never works. So the big arms companies continued to hire agents. They just lied about hiring them and paid the commissions secretly to Swiss bank accounts and post boxes.
14. What we still don’t have is a shred of evidence that anybody who received any money from Bofors shared it with any public servant, let alone with Rajiv Gandhi. Despite all the anti-Hinduja publicity, I would be surprised if the CBI secures any kind of conviction against them under the Prevention of Corruption Act. It is not a crime to take a commission and the CBI has no proof that bribes were paid out of
those commissions.
15. So, what does the whole sorry Borofs saga teach us? Several things. One: there is no limit to the irresponsibility of Indian politicians when it comes to their own advancement. They will say anything if it helps them get ahead. Two: we have wasted far too long on a case that amounts to nothing; bigger scams now occur everyday.
16. And three: nobody considered it worthwhile to defend a man who is dead and whose party is in opposition. Whatever else Rajiv Gandhi was - and in handling Bofors, he was both inexperienced and badly advised - he was completely innocent of the charges leveled against him. Sixteen years later, not one shred of evidence has surfaced.
17. And any politician who still uses Bofors to besmirch the good name of a dead man should be ashamed of himself.
a) Answer the following questions briefly: (9)
(i) Mention the impact of Bofors till date. (2)
(ii) How did the media try to prove that Rajiv Gandhi was corrupt? (1)
(iii) Name three companies to which commission had been paid. (2)
(iv) What picture of leaders does the Bofors saga paint? (2)
(v) In which year did the Indian army award a contract for Bofors guns and why? (2)
b) Find out the words from the passage which meanthe same as: (3x1=3)
(i) soil/tarnish(para17) (ii) recollection(para1) (iii) adoration(para1)
Q2Modern generation is strained and stressed out right from childhood on various counts.Write an article on the stressed out modern youth. 10M
Q3 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:
It would be an exotic moment,
Without rush, without engines;
We would all be together,
In a sudden strangeness
a) What is referred to as exotic? 2M
b)What is the normal way of the world? 1M
c)What sudden strangeness does the poet mention? 1M
Q4 Answer the following questions in30-40 words each: 2x3=6M
a) What phenomenon does the poet invoke to say that there is life under apparent stillness?
b) What is the sadness that the poet refers to?
Q5.What made the peddler finally change his ways?(150words) 10M
Q6.Answer the following questions in 30-40 words each: 2x2=4M
a) How do you know that the peddler didn’t value the confidence reposed in him by the crofter?
b) What doubts did Edla have about the peddler when she saw him for the first time?
Q7 .Answer the following question in 125-150 words: 4M
How is the study of Antarctica useful to us?
Saturday, October 30, 2010
The question paper is divided into four sections:
Read the following passage and answer the questions from the choices given
Ink has constantly reinvented itself to keep up with changing times. Even with the advent of the digital age, the importance of ink has not diminished as everything from newspapers to computer printers still depend on ink. The Mesopotamians were among the first to use a stylus made from bone, metal or ivory to scratch marks on tablets coated with bags. Later the Chinese and Egyptians discovered ink independently. The earliest known ink can be traced to 256 B.C. Made by mixing soot with animal glow, this ink was in the form of a solid. Generally called as ink stick or ink cake. It had to be ground using a special stone , liquefied with water and applied by means of a brush. By the 12th century B.C. several kinds of ink sticks were made from plants minerals etc. Since then many different types of inks have been made and used in different parts of the world. There are a variety of inks available for drawing , writing printing etc.
WHAT’S INK? Ink consists of two basic components: the colorant and the vehicle, also called binder. The colorant may be a pigment or a dye which gives the ink its characteristic colour. The vehicle is a liquid or a paste which carries the colour and binds it to the paper. Examples of binders include water, alcohol, oil, animal glues, resins etc. Some additives may also be added to control the flow, thickness and drying speed of the ink. The composition and the texture of ink depends on the function it is meant to perform. For example printing inks are greasier and thicker than the inks used for writing. There are some inks which are used for purposes other than writing. Like invisible ink, election ink, tattoo ink.
Answer the following questions:
(i) Before ink arrived the common way of conveying information through the written word was
(a) carving (b) drawing (c) scratching (d) printing
(ii) The Mesopotamians were the first to use a stylus made from
(a) bone or ivory (b) stick or stone (c) nail or pin (d) brush or wax
(iii)Ink consists of two basic components
(a) plant and mineral (b) water and solid (c) colorant and vehicle
(d) bone and metal
(iv) The colorant gives the ink
(a) thickness (b) flow (c) colour (d) speedy dry
(v) There are inks which are used for purposes other than
(a) writing (b) printing (c) binding (d) colouring
Read the following poem and answer the questions that follow.
Education is important
For every nation
But I am seized with
Because of my
In English we have
In geography we study
In history its revolution
In Maths we solve
In physics its experiments
And recreations
In chemistry its simple
And in the end
I don’t get time for
Courtesy: The Times of India
Answer the questions that follow.
(i) The child is tensed because of
(a) examination (b) recreation (c) relaxation (d) presentation
(ii) In English the child has to face
(a) equation (b) narration (c) combination (d) tension
(iii) The subject of combination is found in
(a) Maths (b) Geography (c) Physics (d) Chemistry
(iv) History is a subject where they come across
(a) Experiments (b) equation (c) solution (d) revolution
(v) In the end the child feels that he has no time for
(a) examination (b) tension (c) relaxation (d)narration
Maharaja Ranjit Singh is a very well known person for his kindness and love towards his people. He did not want any poverty in his kingdom. Therefore he gave money and gold to the poor people and thus made them rich. People believed that Paras is a wonder stone. It is supposed to turn iron into gold. In the same way poor people came to Maharaja Ranjit Singh and became rich. So they called him Paras. One day the king was riding a horse. He was passing through the streets of Lahore. All the people welcomed him showered flowers on him and felt very happy to see the generous king. But the king felt sad thinking that his people were lazy and wasting their money.
(i) Maharaja Ranjit Singh was a
(a) cruel king (b) lazy king (c) kind and loving king (d) harsh king
(ii) He didn’t want his people to be poor, so he gave them
(a) gold (b) job (c) houses (d) stones
(iii) People called the king as
(a) Saviour (b) Paras (c) Ranjit Singh (d) King of Kings
(iv) People welcomed the king by
(a) cheering him up (b) showering flowers (c) throwing stones
(d) falling at his feet
(v) The king was sad because he felt that the people were
(a) lazy (b) poor (c) idle (d) wasting time
Books are very useful to us. They are the best companion of a man. They never cheat the reader. They are good source of knowledge. We get knowledge on different subjects. We can read books of our taste. They enlighten our hearts and make us bold to face the realities and difficulties of life. We can find every thing in books. By reading books we can be in the company of the great writers of the past. We can make this world a better place to live. Books are the life blood of great master minds. We can never deny their utility.
(i) Books are useful to us because
(a)they play with us (b)they entertain us. (c)they help us (d) they cheat us.
(ii) By reading books we get
(a) knowledge (b) difficulties (c) source (d) utility
(iii) _________ makes us bold and face the realities of life.
(a) reader (b) books (c) company (d) friendship
(iv) By reading books we can make
(a) the world richer (b) the world happier (c) the world greater
(d) the world a better place
(v) Books are __________ of great __________
(a) life blood: master minds (b) knowledgeable : source
© reality : readers (d) history : historians
5) Read the following hints and develop into a story.
Outlines ----- A hungry dog ----- stole a piece of meet from a shop ------ came to a river ------ looked into the river ------- saw another dog ----- greedy ---- barked ------ meet fell into the river ---- sad. ( 4 Marks )
6. Give a speech on any one of the following ( 8 Marks )
(a) My Friend (b) My School © A National Festival (d) A Scientist
7. Write a letter to your Principal requesting him to change your classroom as you are not comfortable. (8 Marks)
8. Choose the most appropriate word from the option given in brackets to complete the following passage. ( 1/2/x 8= 4 marks)
The dog is (a) ____ (in/ on / a / an ) faithful animal. We (b) _____ ( keep / keeping / kept ) as a pet. The dog (c) _________ ( as / us /of / is ) of many colours. It (d) _____( have / had / having / has) a hairy body and a bushy tail. It has thin legs and (e) ______ ( big / strong / sharp ) teeth . The dog is a very useful animal as it keeps watch at (f) ______( morning / evening / dusk / night ) The baby of the dogs are called as (g) ______ ( kittens / puppies / babies / cub ) as their sound is called as (h) _________ ( cry / chirp /bark /hoot)
9. Edit the following passage by choosing the most appropriate word from the options given.
Everybody (a)speak at least one language .the (b)word we speak express our thoughts. We should always keep our thoughts (c)live. We should not let (d)that shrink and die. Words feed and clothe (e)beauty thoughts. They (f)gave them shape. We (g)might be holding wonderful thoughts, but in the (h)absent of words, we fail to express them.
(a) spoke/speaking/ speaks
(b) words/wording/worded
© living /lived/alive
(d) at /it /on/up
(e) beautiful/more beautiful/ most beautiful
(f) given/ giving/give
(g) can/ may/ could
(h) absence/ absenting/abscond
10. Rewrite the sentences as directed choosing from the options given
(a) A ------------of flowers (bunch/bundle)
(b) Give the noun form of ;sad (sadness/ sadly)
© Taro was a--------------- son(lazy/thoughtful/heartless)
(d) Taro decided to work --------------------(early/earlier/earliest) than before.
(e) Chess is a game of --------------------(intellect/intellectual/intelligence)
(f) Please give me a ---------------------(piece/peace) of paper.
(h) Opposite of attended (unattended/inattended/imattended)
(i) The plane will -------------------(took off/taken off/takingoff/take off)
(j) who stole the diamond necklace is still a-----------------(tragedy/ mysterious/mystery)
(k) my mother had to finish her household ---------------------(chorus/chores/shores)
(l) I am not ----------------(fonding of/fond of/fund of) playing during holidays.
(m) We should not be -----------------(cruel/ cruelness/cruelty)
11. Read the following lines and choose the right answer from the options(Any TWO) 3+3=6 marks
A. Beauty is in yourself.
Good deeds, happy thoughts
That repeat themselves
In your dreams
In your work
And even in your rest.
(i) Beauty is in ____________ (oneself/ yourself/ himself)
(ii) We should have ________ (good dress/ good looks/good deeds)
(iii) We should be good even in our ( habits/ dreams/actions)
B. After only one swallow of the liquid he stopped shivering and did a little dance in the middle of the floor.
(i) Name the lesson and the writer.
(ii) Who is referred as he here?
(iii)What drink did he have ?
C. It’s unselfish acts
And kindly sharing
And showing your loved ones
You are always caring.
(i) About what the poet speaks these words?
a) the people b) the politicians c)home and its members d) the animals
(ii) The members of the family described here are ;
a) teachers and students b) doctors and patients c) mothers and fathers d) animals and birds
(iii) The members are also described as
a) loving and caring b) hating and deceiving c) proud and egoistic d) selfish and unkind
12) Answer the following in not more than 20-40 words each. (2*4=8)
a) What abilities must an astronaut have, according to a journalist?
b) Why did the Emperor reward Taro?
c) Why did the dog serve the lion for a long time?
d) What did Patrick think his cat was playing with? What was it really?
13) Do you have a ‘dream’, or something you very much wish to do? Write a paragraph saying what you want or wish to do? Take the inspirations that Kalpana Chawla had and how she succeded?
OR (6marks)
After reading the lesson Taro’s reward you too decide to be like him. How you will show that you have changed or how you will be a dutiful ,obedient, hardworking and truthful son. Write a diary entry in not more than 150 words.
The question paper is divided into four sections:
Read the following passage carefully: (5)
There are only two species of elephants surviving. One is the Asian elephant and the other is an African elephant. Among Asian elephants there are four main varieties: Indian, Ceylonese, Malaysian, Sumatran. Indian elephant is larger in size and has bigger broad ears. They have a longer tusks and a longer trunk with two lips whereas Asian elephants commonly known as the Indian elephant is smaller in size and has shorter tusks with one lip. Indians pray elephants as Lord Ganesha and offer poojas during Ganesh Chathurthi. Also, we pray Lord Ganesha before beginning the pooja and consider it as auspicious.
Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate options from the ones given below:
i)The elephants that are surviving in the world are:
a) Ceylonese and Sumatrans
b) Indian and Malaysian
c) Asian and African
d) Indian and Sumatran
ii) The Asian elephants have
a) bigger ears and smaller trunks
b) smaller ears and shorter tusks
c) longer trunks and one lip
d) broader ears and two lips
iii) African elephants are found in
a) Australia
b) America
c) India
d) Africa
iv) Asian elephants are also called
a) Malaysians
b) Indian elephant
c) Sumatran elephants
d) Ceylonese elephants
v) Elephants are prayed as Gods in India as
a) Ganesh chathurthi
b) Durga pooja
c) Rakshabandhan
d) Diwali
Saturday is our day to clean, but Grandpa turns work into fun.
We like to sing when we dust. We like to dance when we mop. We clean the car together. We do the wash together. We both wear our caps.
When we are done, we hurry to the store. We shop for food. Grandpa lets me pick the fruits that I like best. We carry the food home. Grandpa tells
stories while we walk.At night, our work is done. Friends come over. We cook dinner. We sing and dance.Saturday is our day to clean, but Grandpa turns work into fun!
(i)What happens in "Saturday with Grandpa"?
(a) A boy and his grandpa eat hot dogs.
(b) A boy and his grandpa clean together
(c) A boy and his grandpa ride in a car
(d) A boy and his grandpa go to the beach
(ii) What do the boy and his grandpa both wear while they clean?
(iii) Read this sentence from the story
When we are done, we hurry to the store.
What does hurry mean?
(iv)The work gets completed by ________
(v)Grandpa makes their day _____
How does a butterfly grow? It starts out as a tiny egg. It becomes a caterpillar. It eats lots of leaves. It grows and grows. Then it goes inside a cocoon. At last, it comes out. It’s a butterfly!How does a frog grow? It starts out as a tiny egg in the water. The egg grows into a tadpole. It keeps changing. It eats tiny plants. It grows and grows. At last, it hops out of the pond. It’s a frog!
How does a flower grow? It starts out as a seed. Sun and rain help the seed grow. Roots grow into the ground. The plant grows and grows. At last, a bud opens. It’s a flower! Now you know how they grow!
(i) What do you think the butterfly will do next?
(a) fly away
(b) turn into a frog
(c) sing a song
(d) swim in the water
(ii) Where does a tadpole live?
(a) in a tree
(b) under a rock
(c) in the sky
(d) in the water
(iii)Read this sentence from the story.
At last, it hops out of the pond.
What does hops mean?
(a) runs
(b) jumps
(c) falls
(d) swims
(iv)The first stage of butterfly is
(a)an egg
(v)The bud becomes
(a)a frog
(b)a butterfly
(c)a tadpole
(d)a flower
Once there was a young Inca boy. He had no family except for an old llama. Each day the boy and his llama walked many miles, looking for a home. Each night they curled up together and slept. But one starry evening, the old llama died. The boy buried his friend next to an icy stream. Then he sat under a tree and cried. What would he do? He had no family and no home.The boy cried for a very long time. But there was no one to comfort him. There were only the stars in the sky.
Suddenly, the sky filled with bright light. The boy held his breath. He was afraid to move. One bright star fell to the ground. Slowly, the star took the shape of the old llama. She bent her head and drank from the stream. She looked at the boy and smiled. As she jumped back into the sky, bits of llama wool fell.As the Sun began to rise, the boy picked up the soft, warm wool. It glowed in his hands like starlight. He carried the wool to the city and sold it. With the money, he bought a house. He bought two young llamas. He never forgot the star llama. And he was never lonely again.
(i) Why does the boy cry when the old llama dies?
(a) because he is afraid of the dark
(b) because he is always sad
(c) because the old llama is his only family
(d) because he is lost
(ii) What happened BEFORE the old llama died?
(a) The boy bought two new llamas.
(b) The boy and the llama walked many miles looking for a home
(c) The boy collected the wool and sold it in the city.
(d) The old llama fell to the ground in the shape of a star.
(iii) What happens at the end of the story?
(a) The boy buys a house and two llamas.
(b) The boy buries the llama next to an icy stream.
(c) The boy and his llama walk for many miles
(d) The boy cries for a very long time.
(iv) Read this sentence from the story.
One bright star fell to the ground.
What does bright mean?
(a) old
(b) shining
(c) new
(d) clean
(v) What does the boy in the story want?
(a) a cart
(b) a horse
(c) a new wool shirt
(d) a home
5) Write a short story using the notes given (4)
A lion sleeping under a tree ----------- a mouse rolls over the lion--------- the lion catches it---------- the mouse asks to be pardoned---------- the lion let it go------- the lion caught in a net-------- roars for help-------- the mouse cuts the net--------- the lion rescued.
6) Write a letter to your Principal requesting him to change the furniture as many of them are broken and some are beyond repair. (8)
7) Write a short paragraph for your class magazine on ‘my favourite player’ or ‘a famous scientist’ . (8)
8) Complete the following passage by choosing the most appropriate options from the ones given below. Write the answer in your answer sheet (4 Marks)
It began to rain while we (a)_______. My friend Ashok (b)_______ with a small baby in his hand. Seeing us the baby (c)_____ crying . my mother came running to us and to her surprise when she (d)____ the baby, she grabbed it from my friend.
(a)i) were playing ii) are playing iii) is playing iv) playing
(b)i) came ii) coming iii) had come iv) come
(c)i) start ii) started iii) starting iv) has started
(d)i) seeing ii)has seen iii) saw iv) had seen
9) Edit the following passage by choosing the correct option from the options given below: (4 Marks)
Once there (a)is a crow. He was very thirsty. He (b)fly in search of water. But he couldn’t get water anywhere. At last, he reached (c)the garden. There he saw a pitcher of water. But the water was very low. He saw some small stones near the pitcher. He put them (d)on the pitcher. The water came up. He drank the water and flew away.
(a)i) has ii)had iii)was iv)have
(b)i)flying ii)is flying iii)flew iv)flown
(c)i)a ii) on iii)in iv)an
(d)i)inside ii)outside iii)into iv)above
10) Do as directed (12)
i) Some people find household ________ a bore, but I like to help at home. (Fill in choosing anyone: semester/chores)
ii) To have an angry look on the face. (select the suitable word: weary/scowled)
iii) A _____ of chicks
A _____ of wolves
(select a collective noun: pack/ brood/bunch/bundle)
iv) honest ______ sensitive __________ bitter_________ great _________
(Make nouns using honestness/honesty/ sensitivity/ sensitiveness/ bitterly/ bitterness/ greatly/ greatness)
v) Fill in the blanks from the options given: (8)
A (a)_____ girl lived on a (b)____ hillside. She was a (c)_____ daughter who worked (d)_______ but couldn’t give (e)_____ to her parents. One day she saw a (f)_______ under a rock. She picked it up and found that it was full of (g)______. She took the pot and gave it to her (h)________. The parents were very honest and they asked her to give the pot to their King. The King was surprised and gave the pot to them for their honesty as a reward.
pot parents hard-working very hard happiness money mud gold food little lonely dutiful
11) Read the extract and answer the following questions by choosing the most appropriate options: Attempt any two (2*3=6)
a) This made Taro sadder than ever
1) ‘This’ refers to: i) strong wind ii)hard-work iii) Taro’s parents iv) Taro’s inability to buy expensive Sake’ for his father.
2) Taro was a _______ child.
i) lazy ii)aggressive iii)inactive iv)hard-working
3) Taro decided to
i)run away ii)work hard to buy Sake’ iii) keep quiet iv)to take help from the neighbours.
b) On Saturday night, when the news broke about, there was shock and disbelief.
1) The news was about : i) an earth-quake that took place ii)Columbia’s disaster iii)the floods that destroyed the village iv)the lightening that struck the people.
2) The people caught in that sensational news were about
i)Kalpana Chawla and her members ii)Kalpana Chawla and her parents iii) Kalpana Chawla and her husband iv) Kalpana Chawla and the villagers
3) The name of the lesson is
i)An Indo-American woman in Space: Kalpana Chawla ii)An Indian-America woman in Space: Kalpana Chawla iii) An India-America woman in Space: Kalpana Chawla iv) An Indian-American woman in Space: Kalpana Chawla
(c) The start of it was slight and the end of it was strong
1)‘It’ stands for i)shopping ii)quarreling iii)playing iv)cooking
2) The people involved in fight were:
i)brothers ii)sisters iii)brother and sister iv)father and mother
3) In the end, the fight
i) continued ii)stopped iii)prolonged iv)compromised
12)Answer the following in not more than 20-40 words each. (2*4=8)
a) What abilities must an astronaut have, according to a journalist?
b) Why did the Emperor reward Taro?
c) Why did the dog serve the lion for a long time?
d) What did Patrick think his cat was playing with? What was it really?
13) Do you have a ‘dream’, or something you very much wish to do? Write a paragraph saying what you want or wish to do? Take the inspirations that Kalpana Chawla had and how she succeeded?
OR (6marks)
After reading the lesson Taro’s reward you too decide to be like him. How you will show that you have changed or how you will be a dutiful ,obedient, hardworking and truthful son. Write a diary entry in not more than 150 words.
The question paper is divided into four sections:
Maharaja Ranjit Singh is a very well known person for his kindness and love towards his people. He did not want any poverty in his kingdom. Therefore he gave money and gold to the poor people and thus made them rich. People believed that Paras is a wonder stone. It is supposed to turn iron into gold. In the same way poor people came to Maharaja Ranjit Singh and became rich. So they called him Paras. One day the king was riding a horse. He was passing through the streets of Lahore. All the people welcomed him showered flowers on him and felt very happy to see the generous king. But the king felt sad thinking that his people were lazy and wasting their money.
(i) Maharaja Ranjit Singh was a
(a) cruel king (b) lazy king (c) kind and loving king (d) harsh king
(ii) He didn’t want his people to be poor, so he gave them
(a) gold (b) job (c) houses (d) stones
(iii) People called the king as
(a) Saviour (b) Paras (c) Ranjit Singh (d) King of Kings
(iv) People welcomed the king by
(a) cheering him up (b) showering flowers (c) throwing stones
(d) falling at his feet
(v) The king was sad because he felt that the people were
(a) lazy (b) poor (c) idle (d) wasting time
Once there was a young Inca boy. He had no family except for an old llama. Each day the boy and his llama walked many miles, looking for a home. Each night they curled up together and slept. But one starry evening, the old llama died. The boy buried his friend next to an icy stream. Then he sat under a tree and cried. What would he do? He had no family and no home.
The boy cried for a very long time. But there was no one to comfort him. There were only the stars in the sky.
Suddenly, the sky filled with bright light. The boy held his breath. He was afraid to move. One bright star fell to the ground. Slowly, the star took the shape of the old llama. She bent her head and drank from the stream. She looked at the boy and smiled. As she jumped back into the sky, bits of llama wool fell.
As the Sun began to rise, the boy picked up the soft, warm wool. It glowed in his hands like starlight. He carried the wool to the city and sold it. With the money, he bought a house. He bought two young llamas. He never forgot the star llama. And he was never lonely again.
(vi) Why does the boy cry when the old llama dies?
(e) because he is afraid of the dark
(f) because he is always sad
(g) because the old llama is his only family
(h) because he is lost
(vii) What happened BEFORE the old llama died?
(e) The boy bought two new llamas.
(f) The boy and the llama walked many miles looking for a home
(g) The boy collected the wool and sold it in the city.
(h) The old llama fell to the ground in the shape of a star.
(viii) What happens at the end of the story?
(e) The boy buys a house and two llamas.
(f) The boy buries the llama next to an icy stream.
(g) The boy and his llama walk for many miles
(h) The boy cries for a very long time.
(ix) Read this sentence from the story.
One bright star fell to the ground.
What does bright mean?
(e) old
(f) shining
(g) new
(h) clean
(x) What does the boy in the story want?
(e) a cart
(f) a horse
(g) a new wool shirt
(h) a home
Education is important
For every nation
But I am seized with
Because of my
In English we have
In geography we study
In history its revolution
In Maths we solve
In physics its experiments
And recreations
In chemistry its simple
And in the end
I don’t get time for
Courtesy: The Times of India
Answer the questions that follow.
(i) The child is tensed because of
(a) examination (b) recreation (c) relaxation (d) presentation
(ii) In English the child has to face
(a) equation (b) narration (c) combination (d) tension
(iii) The subject of combination is found in
(a) Maths (b) Geography (c) Physics (d) Chemistry
(iv) History is a subject where they come across
(a) Experiments (b) equation (c) solution (d) revolution
(v) In the end the child feels that he has no time for
(a) examination (b) tension (c) relaxation (d)narration
There are only two species of elephants surviving. One is the Asian elephant and the other is an African elephant. Among Asian elephants there are four main varieties: Indian, Ceylonese, Malaysian, Sumatran. Indian elephant is larger in size and has bigger broad ears. They have a longer tusks and a longer trunk with two lips whereas Asian elephants commonly known as the Indian elephant is smaller in size and has shorter tusks with one lip. Indians pray elephants as Lord Ganesha and offer poojas during Ganesh Chathurthi. Also, we pray Lord Ganesha before beginning the pooja and consider it as auspicious.
Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate options from the ones given below:
i)The elephants that are surviving in the world are:
a) Ceylonese and Sumatrans
b) Indian and Malaysian
c) Asian and African
d) Indian and Sumatran
ii) The Asian elephants have
a) bigger ears and smaller trunks
b) smaller ears and shorter tusks
c) longer trunks and one lip
d) broader ears and two lips
iii) African elephants are found in
a) Australia
b) America
c) India
d) Africa
iv) Asian elephants are also called
a) Malaysians
b) Indian elephant
c) Sumatran elephants
d) Ceylonese elephants
v) Elephants are prayed as Gods in India as
a) Ganesh chathurthi
b) Durga pooja
c) Rakshabandhan
d) Diwali
5)Write a short story using the notes given (4)
A lion sleeping under a tree ----------- a mouse rolls over the lion--------- the lion catches it---------- the mouse asks to be pardoned---------- the lion let it go------- the lion caught in a net-------- roars for help-------- the mouse cuts the net--------- the lion rescued.
6) Give a speech on any one of the following ( 8 Marks )
(a) My Friend (b) My School © A National Festival (d) A Scientist
7) Write a letter to your Principal requesting him to change the furniture as many of them are broken and some are beyond repair. (8)
8) Choose the most appropriate word from the option given in brackets to complete the following passage. ( 1/2/x 8= 4 marks)
The dog is (a) ____ (in/ on / a / an ) faithful animal. We (b) _____ ( keep / keeping / kept ) as a pet. The dog (c) _________ ( as / us /of / is ) of many colours. It (d) _____( have / had / having / has) a hairy body and a bushy tail. It has thin legs and (e) ______ ( big / strong / sharp ) teeth . The dog is a very useful animal as it keeps watch at (f) ______( morning / evening / dusk / night ) The baby of the dogs are called as (g) ______ ( kittens / puppies / babies / cub ) as their sound is called as (h) _________ ( cry / chirp /bark /hoot)
9) Edit the following passage by choosing the correct option from the options given below: (4 Marks)
Once there (a)is a crow. He was very thirsty. He (b)fly in search of water. But he couldn’t get water anywhere. At last, he reached (c)the garden. There he saw a pitcher of water. But the water was very low. He saw some small stones near the pitcher. He put them (d)on the pitcher. The water came up. He drank the water and flew away.
(a)i) has ii)had iii)was iv)have
(b)i)flying ii)is flying iii)flew iv)flown
(c)i)a ii) on iii)in iv)an
(d)i)inside ii)outside iii)into iv)above
10) Do as directed (12)
i) Some people find household ________ a bore, but I like to help at home. (Fill in choosing anyone: semester/chores)
ii) To have an angry look on the face. (select the suitable word: weary/scowled)
iii) A _____ of chicks
A _____ of wolves
(select a collective noun: pack/ brood/bunch/bundle)
iv) honest ______ sensitive __________ bitter_________ great _________
(Make nouns using honestness/honesty/ sensitivity/ sensitiveness/ bitterly/ bitterness/ greatly/ greatness)
v) Fill in the blanks from the options given: (8)
A (a)_____ girl lived on a (b)____ hillside. She was a (c)_____ daughter who worked (d)_______ but couldn’t give (e)_____ to her parents. One day she saw a (f)_______ under a rock. She picked it up and found that it was full of (g)______. She took the pot and gave it to her (h)________. The parents were very honest and they asked her to give the pot to their King. The King was surprised and gave the pot to them for their honesty as a reward.
pot parents hard-working very hard happiness money mud gold food little lonely dutiful
11) 11. Read the following lines and choose the right answer from the options(Any TWO)
3+3=6 marks
A. Beauty is in yourself.
Good deeds, happy thoughts
That repeat themselves
In your dreams
In your work
And even in your rest.
(iv) Beauty is in ____________ (oneself/ yourself/ himself)
(v) We should have ________ (good dress/ good looks/good deeds)
(vi) We should be good even in our ( habits/ dreams/actions)
b) On Saturday night, when the news broke about, there was shock and disbelief.
1) The news was about : i) an earth-quake that took place ii)Columbia’s disaster iii)the floods that destroyed the village iv)the lightening that struck the people.
2) The people caught in that sensational news were about
i)Kalpana Chawla and her members ii)Kalpana Chawla and her parents iii) Kalpana Chawla and her husband iv) Kalpana Chawla and the villagers
3) The name of the lesson is
i)An Indo-American woman in Space: Kalpana Chawla ii)An Indian-America woman in Space: Kalpana Chawla iii) An India-America woman in Space: Kalpana Chawla iv) An Indian-American woman in Space: Kalpana Chawla
C) It’s unselfish acts
And kindly sharing
And showing your loved ones
You are always caring.
(i) About what the poet speaks these words?
a) the people b) the politicians c)home and its members d) the animals
(ii) The members of the family described here are ;
a) teachers and students b) doctors and patients c) mothers and fathers d) animals and birds
(iii) The members are also described as
a) loving and caring b) hating and deceiving c) proud and egoistic d) selfish and unkind
12)Answer the following in not more than 20-40 words each. (2*4=8)
a) What abilities must an astronaut have, according to a journalist?
b) Why did the Emperor reward Taro?
c) Why did the dog serve the lion for a long time?
d) What did Patrick think his cat was playing with? What was it really?
13) Do you have a ‘dream’, or something you very much wish to do? Write a paragraph saying what you want or wish to do? Take the inspirations that Kalpana Chawla had and how she succeeded?
OR (6marks)
After reading the lesson Taro’s reward you too decide to be like him. How you will show that you have changed or how you will be a dutiful ,obedient, hardworking and truthful son. Write a diary entry in not more than 150 words.
The question paper is divided into four sections:
Read the following passage and answer the questions from the choices given
Ink has constantly reinvented itself to keep up with changing times. Even with the advent of the digital age, the importance of ink has not diminished as everything from newspapers to computer printers still depend on ink. The Mesopotamians were among the first to use a stylus made from bone, metal or ivory to scratch marks on tablets coated with bags. Later the Chinese and Egyptians discovered ink independently. The earliest known ink can be traced to 256 B.C. Made by mixing soot with animal glow, this ink was in the form of a solid. Generally called as ink stick or ink cake. It had to be ground using a special stone , liquefied with water and applied by means of a brush. By the 12th century B.C. several kinds of ink sticks were made from plants minerals etc. Since then many different types of inks have been made and used in different parts of the world. There are a variety of inks available for drawing , writing printing etc.
WHAT’S INK? Ink consists of two basic components: the colorant and the vehicle, also called binder. The colorant may be a pigment or a dye which gives the ink its characteristic colour. The vehicle is a liquid or a paste which carries the colour and binds it to the paper. Examples of binders include water, alcohol, oil, animal glues, resins etc. Some additives may also be added to control the flow, thickness and drying speed of the ink. The composition and the texture of ink depends on the function it is meant to perform. For example printing inks are greasier and thicker than the inks used for writing. There are some inks which are used for purposes other than writing. Like invisible ink, election ink, tattoo ink.
Answer the following questions:
(i) Before ink arrived the common way of conveying information through the written word was
(a) carving (b) drawing (c) scratching (d) printing
(ii) The Mesopotamians were the first to use a stylus made from
(a) bone or ivory (b) stick or stone (c) nail or pin (d) brush or wax
(iii)Ink consists of two basic components
(a) plant and mineral (b) water and solid (c) colorant and vehicle
(d) bone and metal
(iv) The colorant gives the ink
(a) thickness (b) flow (c) colour (d) speedy dry
(v) There are inks which are used for purposes other than
(a) writing (b) printing (c) binding (d) colouring
Read the following poem and answer the questions that follow.
Education is important
For every nation
But I am seized with
Because of my
In English we have
In geography we study
In history its revolution
In Maths we solve
In physics its experiments
And recreations
In chemistry its simple
And in the end
I don’t get time for
Courtesy: The Times of India
Answer the questions that follow.
(i) The child is tensed because of
(a) examination (b) recreation (c) relaxation (d) presentation
(ii) In English the child has to face
(a) equation (b) narration (c) combination (d) tension
(iii) The subject of combination is found in
(a) Maths (b) Geography (c) Physics (d) Chemistry
(iv) History is a subject where they come across
(a) Experiments (b) equation (c) solution (d) revolution
(v) In the end the child feels that he has no time for
(a) examination (b) tension (c) relaxation (d)narration
Maharaja Ranjit Singh is a very well known person for his kindness and love towards his people. He did not want any poverty in his kingdom. Therefore he gave money and gold to the poor people and thus made them rich. People believed that Paras is a wonder stone. It is supposed to turn iron into gold. In the same way poor people came to Maharaja Ranjit Singh and became rich. So they called him Paras. One day the king was riding a horse. He was passing through the streets of Lahore. All the people welcomed him showered flowers on him and felt very happy to see the generous king. But the king felt sad thinking that his people were lazy and wasting their money.
(i) Maharaja Ranjit Singh was a
(a) cruel king (b) lazy king (c) kind and loving king (d) harsh king
(ii) He didn’t want his people to be poor, so he gave them
(a) gold (b) job (c) houses (d) stones
(iii) People called the king as
(a) Saviour (b) Paras (c) Ranjit Singh (d) King of Kings
(iv) People welcomed the king by
(a) cheering him up (b) showering flowers (c) throwing stones
(d) falling at his feet
(v) The king was sad because he felt that the people were
(a) lazy (b) poor (c) idle (d) wasting time
Books are very useful to us. They are the best companion of a man. They never cheat the reader. They are good source of knowledge. We get knowledge on different subjects. We can read books of our taste. They enlighten our hearts and make us bold to face the realities and difficulties of life. We can find every thing in books. By reading books we can be in the company of the great writers of the past. We can make this world a better place to live. Books are the life blood of great master minds. We can never deny their utility.
(i) Books are useful to us because
(a)they play with us (b)they entertain us. (c)they help us (d) they cheat us.
(ii) By reading books we get
(a) knowledge (b) difficulties (c) source (d) utility
(iii) _________ makes us bold and face the realities of life.
(a) reader (b) books (c) company (d) friendship
(iv) By reading books we can make
(a) the world richer (b) the world happier (c) the world greater
(d) the world a better place
(v) Books are __________ of great __________
(a) life blood: master minds (b) knowledgeable : source
© reality : readers (d) history : historians
5) Read the following hints and develop into a story.
Outlines ----- A hungry dog ----- stole a piece of meet from a shop ------ came to a river ------ looked into the river ------- saw another dog ----- greedy ---- barked ------ meet fell into the river ---- sad. ( 4 Marks )
6. Give a speech on any one of the following ( 8 Marks )
(a) My Friend (b) My School © A National Festival (d) A Scientist
7. Write a letter to your Principal requesting him to change your classroom as you are not comfortable. (8 Marks)
8. Choose the most appropriate word from the option given in brackets to complete the following passage. ( 1/2/x 8= 4 marks)
The dog is (a) ____ (in/ on / a / an ) faithful animal. We (b) _____ ( keep / keeping / kept ) as a pet. The dog (c) _________ ( as / us /of / is ) of many colours. It (d) _____( have / had / having / has) a hairy body and a bushy tail. It has thin legs and (e) ______ ( big / strong / sharp ) teeth . The dog is a very useful animal as it keeps watch at (f) ______( morning / evening / dusk / night ) The baby of the dogs are called as (g) ______ ( kittens / puppies / babies / cub ) as their sound is called as (h) _________ ( cry / chirp /bark /hoot)
9. Edit the following passage by choosing the most appropriate word from the options given.
Everybody (a)speak at least one language .the (b)word we speak express our thoughts. We should always keep our thoughts (c)live. We should not let (d)that shrink and die. Words feed and clothe (e)beauty thoughts. They (f)gave them shape. We (g)might be holding wonderful thoughts, but in the (h)absent of words, we fail to express them.
(a) spoke/speaking/ speaks
(b) words/wording/worded
© living /lived/alive
(d) at /it /on/up
(e) beautiful/more beautiful/ most beautiful
(f) given/ giving/give
(g) can/ may/ could
(h) absence/ absenting/abscond
10. Rewrite the sentences as directed choosing from the options given
(a) A ------------of flowers (bunch/bundle)
(b) Give the noun form of ;sad (sadness/ sadly)
© Taro was a--------------- son(lazy/thoughtful/heartless)
(d) Taro decided to work --------------------(early/earlier/earliest) than before.
(e) Chess is a game of --------------------(intellect/intellectual/intelligence)
(f) Please give me a ---------------------(piece/peace) of paper.
(h) Opposite of attended (unattended/inattended/imattended)
(i) The plane will -------------------(took off/taken off/takingoff/take off)
(j) who stole the diamond necklace is still a-----------------(tragedy/ mysterious/mystery)
(k) my mother had to finish her household ---------------------(chorus/chores/shores)
(l) I am not ----------------(fonding of/fond of/fund of) playing during holidays.
(m) We should not be -----------------(cruel/ cruelness/cruelty)
11. Read the following lines and choose the right answer from the options(Any TWO) 3+3=6 marks
A. Beauty is in yourself.
Good deeds, happy thoughts
That repeat themselves
In your dreams
In your work
And even in your rest.
(i) Beauty is in ____________ (oneself/ yourself/ himself)
(ii) We should have ________ (good dress/ good looks/good deeds)
(iii) We should be good even in our ( habits/ dreams/actions)
B. After only one swallow of the liquid he stopped shivering and did a little dance in the middle of the floor.
(i) Name the lesson and the writer.
(ii) Who is referred as he here?
(iii)What drink did he have ?
C. It’s unselfish acts
And kindly sharing
And showing your loved ones
You are always caring.
(i) About what the poet speaks these words?
a) the people b) the politicians c)home and its members d) the animals
(ii) The members of the family described here are ;
a) teachers and students b) doctors and patients c) mothers and fathers d) animals and birds
(iii) The members are also described as
a) loving and caring b) hating and deceiving c) proud and egoistic d) selfish and unkind
12) Answer the following in not more than 20-40 words each. (2*4=8)
a) What abilities must an astronaut have, according to a journalist?
b) Why did the Emperor reward Taro?
c) Why did the dog serve the lion for a long time?
d) What did Patrick think his cat was playing with? What was it really?
13) Do you have a ‘dream’, or something you very much wish to do? Write a paragraph saying what you want or wish to do? Take the inspirations that Kalpana Chawla had and how she succeded?
OR (6marks)
After reading the lesson Taro’s reward you too decide to be like him. How you will show that you have changed or how you will be a dutiful ,obedient, hardworking and truthful son. Write a diary entry in not more than 150 words.
The question paper is divided into four sections:
Read the following passage carefully: (5)
There are only two species of elephants surviving. One is the Asian elephant and the other is an African elephant. Among Asian elephants there are four main varieties: Indian, Ceylonese, Malaysian, Sumatran. Indian elephant is larger in size and has bigger broad ears. They have a longer tusks and a longer trunk with two lips whereas Asian elephants commonly known as the Indian elephant is smaller in size and has shorter tusks with one lip. Indians pray elephants as Lord Ganesha and offer poojas during Ganesh Chathurthi. Also, we pray Lord Ganesha before beginning the pooja and consider it as auspicious.
Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate options from the ones given below:
i)The elephants that are surviving in the world are:
a) Ceylonese and Sumatrans
b) Indian and Malaysian
c) Asian and African
d) Indian and Sumatran
ii) The Asian elephants have
a) bigger ears and smaller trunks
b) smaller ears and shorter tusks
c) longer trunks and one lip
d) broader ears and two lips
iii) African elephants are found in
a) Australia
b) America
c) India
d) Africa
iv) Asian elephants are also called
a) Malaysians
b) Indian elephant
c) Sumatran elephants
d) Ceylonese elephants
v) Elephants are prayed as Gods in India as
a) Ganesh chathurthi
b) Durga pooja
c) Rakshabandhan
d) Diwali
Saturday is our day to clean, but Grandpa turns work into fun.
We like to sing when we dust. We like to dance when we mop. We clean the car together. We do the wash together. We both wear our caps.
When we are done, we hurry to the store. We shop for food. Grandpa lets me pick the fruits that I like best. We carry the food home. Grandpa tells
stories while we walk.At night, our work is done. Friends come over. We cook dinner. We sing and dance.Saturday is our day to clean, but Grandpa turns work into fun!
(i)What happens in "Saturday with Grandpa"?
(a) A boy and his grandpa eat hot dogs.
(b) A boy and his grandpa clean together
(c) A boy and his grandpa ride in a car
(d) A boy and his grandpa go to the beach
(ii) What do the boy and his grandpa both wear while they clean?
(iii) Read this sentence from the story
When we are done, we hurry to the store.
What does hurry mean?
(iv)The work gets completed by ________
(v)Grandpa makes their day _____
How does a butterfly grow? It starts out as a tiny egg. It becomes a caterpillar. It eats lots of leaves. It grows and grows. Then it goes inside a cocoon. At last, it comes out. It’s a butterfly!How does a frog grow? It starts out as a tiny egg in the water. The egg grows into a tadpole. It keeps changing. It eats tiny plants. It grows and grows. At last, it hops out of the pond. It’s a frog!
How does a flower grow? It starts out as a seed. Sun and rain help the seed grow. Roots grow into the ground. The plant grows and grows. At last, a bud opens. It’s a flower! Now you know how they grow!
(i) What do you think the butterfly will do next?
(a) fly away
(b) turn into a frog
(c) sing a song
(d) swim in the water
(ii) Where does a tadpole live?
(a) in a tree
(b) under a rock
(c) in the sky
(d) in the water
(iii)Read this sentence from the story.
At last, it hops out of the pond.
What does hops mean?
(a) runs
(b) jumps
(c) falls
(d) swims
(iv)The first stage of butterfly is
(a)an egg
(v)The bud becomes
(a)a frog
(b)a butterfly
(c)a tadpole
(d)a flower
Once there was a young Inca boy. He had no family except for an old llama. Each day the boy and his llama walked many miles, looking for a home. Each night they curled up together and slept. But one starry evening, the old llama died. The boy buried his friend next to an icy stream. Then he sat under a tree and cried. What would he do? He had no family and no home.The boy cried for a very long time. But there was no one to comfort him. There were only the stars in the sky.
Suddenly, the sky filled with bright light. The boy held his breath. He was afraid to move. One bright star fell to the ground. Slowly, the star took the shape of the old llama. She bent her head and drank from the stream. She looked at the boy and smiled. As she jumped back into the sky, bits of llama wool fell.As the Sun began to rise, the boy picked up the soft, warm wool. It glowed in his hands like starlight. He carried the wool to the city and sold it. With the money, he bought a house. He bought two young llamas. He never forgot the star llama. And he was never lonely again.
(i) Why does the boy cry when the old llama dies?
(a) because he is afraid of the dark
(b) because he is always sad
(c) because the old llama is his only family
(d) because he is lost
(ii) What happened BEFORE the old llama died?
(a) The boy bought two new llamas.
(b) The boy and the llama walked many miles looking for a home
(c) The boy collected the wool and sold it in the city.
(d) The old llama fell to the ground in the shape of a star.
(iii) What happens at the end of the story?
(a) The boy buys a house and two llamas.
(b) The boy buries the llama next to an icy stream.
(c) The boy and his llama walk for many miles
(d) The boy cries for a very long time.
(iv) Read this sentence from the story.
One bright star fell to the ground.
What does bright mean?
(a) old
(b) shining
(c) new
(d) clean
(v) What does the boy in the story want?
(a) a cart
(b) a horse
(c) a new wool shirt
(d) a home
5) Write a short story using the notes given (4)
A lion sleeping under a tree ----------- a mouse rolls over the lion--------- the lion catches it---------- the mouse asks to be pardoned---------- the lion let it go------- the lion caught in a net-------- roars for help-------- the mouse cuts the net--------- the lion rescued.
6) Write a letter to your Principal requesting him to change the furniture as many of them are broken and some are beyond repair. (8)
7) Write a short paragraph for your class magazine on ‘my favourite player’ or ‘a famous scientist’ . (8)
8) Complete the following passage by choosing the most appropriate options from the ones given below. Write the answer in your answer sheet (4 Marks)
It began to rain while we (a)_______. My friend Ashok (b)_______ with a small baby in his hand. Seeing us the baby (c)_____ crying . my mother came running to us and to her surprise when she (d)____ the baby, she grabbed it from my friend.
(a)i) were playing ii) are playing iii) is playing iv) playing
(b)i) came ii) coming iii) had come iv) come
(c)i) start ii) started iii) starting iv) has started
(d)i) seeing ii)has seen iii) saw iv) had seen
9) Edit the following passage by choosing the correct option from the options given below: (4 Marks)
Once there (a)is a crow. He was very thirsty. He (b)fly in search of water. But he couldn’t get water anywhere. At last, he reached (c)the garden. There he saw a pitcher of water. But the water was very low. He saw some small stones near the pitcher. He put them (d)on the pitcher. The water came up. He drank the water and flew away.
(a)i) has ii)had iii)was iv)have
(b)i)flying ii)is flying iii)flew iv)flown
(c)i)a ii) on iii)in iv)an
(d)i)inside ii)outside iii)into iv)above
10) Do as directed (12)
i) Some people find household ________ a bore, but I like to help at home. (Fill in choosing anyone: semester/chores)
ii) To have an angry look on the face. (select the suitable word: weary/scowled)
iii) A _____ of chicks
A _____ of wolves
(select a collective noun: pack/ brood/bunch/bundle)
iv) honest ______ sensitive __________ bitter_________ great _________
(Make nouns using honestness/honesty/ sensitivity/ sensitiveness/ bitterly/ bitterness/ greatly/ greatness)
v) Fill in the blanks from the options given: (8)
A (a)_____ girl lived on a (b)____ hillside. She was a (c)_____ daughter who worked (d)_______ but couldn’t give (e)_____ to her parents. One day she saw a (f)_______ under a rock. She picked it up and found that it was full of (g)______. She took the pot and gave it to her (h)________. The parents were very honest and they asked her to give the pot to their King. The King was surprised and gave the pot to them for their honesty as a reward.
pot parents hard-working very hard happiness money mud gold food little lonely dutiful
11) Read the extract and answer the following questions by choosing the most appropriate options: Attempt any two (2*3=6)
a) This made Taro sadder than ever
1) ‘This’ refers to: i) strong wind ii)hard-work iii) Taro’s parents iv) Taro’s inability to buy expensive Sake’ for his father.
2) Taro was a _______ child.
i) lazy ii)aggressive iii)inactive iv)hard-working
3) Taro decided to
i)run away ii)work hard to buy Sake’ iii) keep quiet iv)to take help from the neighbours.
b) On Saturday night, when the news broke about, there was shock and disbelief.
1) The news was about : i) an earth-quake that took place ii)Columbia’s disaster iii)the floods that destroyed the village iv)the lightening that struck the people.
2) The people caught in that sensational news were about
i)Kalpana Chawla and her members ii)Kalpana Chawla and her parents iii) Kalpana Chawla and her husband iv) Kalpana Chawla and the villagers
3) The name of the lesson is
i)An Indo-American woman in Space: Kalpana Chawla ii)An Indian-America woman in Space: Kalpana Chawla iii) An India-America woman in Space: Kalpana Chawla iv) An Indian-American woman in Space: Kalpana Chawla
(c) The start of it was slight and the end of it was strong
1)‘It’ stands for i)shopping ii)quarreling iii)playing iv)cooking
2) The people involved in fight were:
i)brothers ii)sisters iii)brother and sister iv)father and mother
3) In the end, the fight
i) continued ii)stopped iii)prolonged iv)compromised
12)Answer the following in not more than 20-40 words each. (2*4=8)
a) What abilities must an astronaut have, according to a journalist?
b) Why did the Emperor reward Taro?
c) Why did the dog serve the lion for a long time?
d) What did Patrick think his cat was playing with? What was it really?
13) Do you have a ‘dream’, or something you very much wish to do? Write a paragraph saying what you want or wish to do? Take the inspirations that Kalpana Chawla had and how she succeeded?
OR (6marks)
After reading the lesson Taro’s reward you too decide to be like him. How you will show that you have changed or how you will be a dutiful ,obedient, hardworking and truthful son. Write a diary entry in not more than 150 words.
The question paper is divided into four sections:
Maharaja Ranjit Singh is a very well known person for his kindness and love towards his people. He did not want any poverty in his kingdom. Therefore he gave money and gold to the poor people and thus made them rich. People believed that Paras is a wonder stone. It is supposed to turn iron into gold. In the same way poor people came to Maharaja Ranjit Singh and became rich. So they called him Paras. One day the king was riding a horse. He was passing through the streets of Lahore. All the people welcomed him showered flowers on him and felt very happy to see the generous king. But the king felt sad thinking that his people were lazy and wasting their money.
(i) Maharaja Ranjit Singh was a
(a) cruel king (b) lazy king (c) kind and loving king (d) harsh king
(ii) He didn’t want his people to be poor, so he gave them
(a) gold (b) job (c) houses (d) stones
(iii) People called the king as
(a) Saviour (b) Paras (c) Ranjit Singh (d) King of Kings
(iv) People welcomed the king by
(a) cheering him up (b) showering flowers (c) throwing stones
(d) falling at his feet
(v) The king was sad because he felt that the people were
(a) lazy (b) poor (c) idle (d) wasting time
Once there was a young Inca boy. He had no family except for an old llama. Each day the boy and his llama walked many miles, looking for a home. Each night they curled up together and slept. But one starry evening, the old llama died. The boy buried his friend next to an icy stream. Then he sat under a tree and cried. What would he do? He had no family and no home.
The boy cried for a very long time. But there was no one to comfort him. There were only the stars in the sky.
Suddenly, the sky filled with bright light. The boy held his breath. He was afraid to move. One bright star fell to the ground. Slowly, the star took the shape of the old llama. She bent her head and drank from the stream. She looked at the boy and smiled. As she jumped back into the sky, bits of llama wool fell.
As the Sun began to rise, the boy picked up the soft, warm wool. It glowed in his hands like starlight. He carried the wool to the city and sold it. With the money, he bought a house. He bought two young llamas. He never forgot the star llama. And he was never lonely again.
(vi) Why does the boy cry when the old llama dies?
(e) because he is afraid of the dark
(f) because he is always sad
(g) because the old llama is his only family
(h) because he is lost
(vii) What happened BEFORE the old llama died?
(e) The boy bought two new llamas.
(f) The boy and the llama walked many miles looking for a home
(g) The boy collected the wool and sold it in the city.
(h) The old llama fell to the ground in the shape of a star.
(viii) What happens at the end of the story?
(e) The boy buys a house and two llamas.
(f) The boy buries the llama next to an icy stream.
(g) The boy and his llama walk for many miles
(h) The boy cries for a very long time.
(ix) Read this sentence from the story.
One bright star fell to the ground.
What does bright mean?
(e) old
(f) shining
(g) new
(h) clean
(x) What does the boy in the story want?
(e) a cart
(f) a horse
(g) a new wool shirt
(h) a home
Education is important
For every nation
But I am seized with
Because of my
In English we have
In geography we study
In history its revolution
In Maths we solve
In physics its experiments
And recreations
In chemistry its simple
And in the end
I don’t get time for
Courtesy: The Times of India
Answer the questions that follow.
(i) The child is tensed because of
(a) examination (b) recreation (c) relaxation (d) presentation
(ii) In English the child has to face
(a) equation (b) narration (c) combination (d) tension
(iii) The subject of combination is found in
(a) Maths (b) Geography (c) Physics (d) Chemistry
(iv) History is a subject where they come across
(a) Experiments (b) equation (c) solution (d) revolution
(v) In the end the child feels that he has no time for
(a) examination (b) tension (c) relaxation (d)narration
There are only two species of elephants surviving. One is the Asian elephant and the other is an African elephant. Among Asian elephants there are four main varieties: Indian, Ceylonese, Malaysian, Sumatran. Indian elephant is larger in size and has bigger broad ears. They have a longer tusks and a longer trunk with two lips whereas Asian elephants commonly known as the Indian elephant is smaller in size and has shorter tusks with one lip. Indians pray elephants as Lord Ganesha and offer poojas during Ganesh Chathurthi. Also, we pray Lord Ganesha before beginning the pooja and consider it as auspicious.
Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate options from the ones given below:
i)The elephants that are surviving in the world are:
a) Ceylonese and Sumatrans
b) Indian and Malaysian
c) Asian and African
d) Indian and Sumatran
ii) The Asian elephants have
a) bigger ears and smaller trunks
b) smaller ears and shorter tusks
c) longer trunks and one lip
d) broader ears and two lips
iii) African elephants are found in
a) Australia
b) America
c) India
d) Africa
iv) Asian elephants are also called
a) Malaysians
b) Indian elephant
c) Sumatran elephants
d) Ceylonese elephants
v) Elephants are prayed as Gods in India as
a) Ganesh chathurthi
b) Durga pooja
c) Rakshabandhan
d) Diwali
5)Write a short story using the notes given (4)
A lion sleeping under a tree ----------- a mouse rolls over the lion--------- the lion catches it---------- the mouse asks to be pardoned---------- the lion let it go------- the lion caught in a net-------- roars for help-------- the mouse cuts the net--------- the lion rescued.
6) Give a speech on any one of the following ( 8 Marks )
(a) My Friend (b) My School © A National Festival (d) A Scientist
7) Write a letter to your Principal requesting him to change the furniture as many of them are broken and some are beyond repair. (8)
8) Choose the most appropriate word from the option given in brackets to complete the following passage. ( 1/2/x 8= 4 marks)
The dog is (a) ____ (in/ on / a / an ) faithful animal. We (b) _____ ( keep / keeping / kept ) as a pet. The dog (c) _________ ( as / us /of / is ) of many colours. It (d) _____( have / had / having / has) a hairy body and a bushy tail. It has thin legs and (e) ______ ( big / strong / sharp ) teeth . The dog is a very useful animal as it keeps watch at (f) ______( morning / evening / dusk / night ) The baby of the dogs are called as (g) ______ ( kittens / puppies / babies / cub ) as their sound is called as (h) _________ ( cry / chirp /bark /hoot)
9) Edit the following passage by choosing the correct option from the options given below: (4 Marks)
Once there (a)is a crow. He was very thirsty. He (b)fly in search of water. But he couldn’t get water anywhere. At last, he reached (c)the garden. There he saw a pitcher of water. But the water was very low. He saw some small stones near the pitcher. He put them (d)on the pitcher. The water came up. He drank the water and flew away.
(a)i) has ii)had iii)was iv)have
(b)i)flying ii)is flying iii)flew iv)flown
(c)i)a ii) on iii)in iv)an
(d)i)inside ii)outside iii)into iv)above
10) Do as directed (12)
i) Some people find household ________ a bore, but I like to help at home. (Fill in choosing anyone: semester/chores)
ii) To have an angry look on the face. (select the suitable word: weary/scowled)
iii) A _____ of chicks
A _____ of wolves
(select a collective noun: pack/ brood/bunch/bundle)
iv) honest ______ sensitive __________ bitter_________ great _________
(Make nouns using honestness/honesty/ sensitivity/ sensitiveness/ bitterly/ bitterness/ greatly/ greatness)
v) Fill in the blanks from the options given: (8)
A (a)_____ girl lived on a (b)____ hillside. She was a (c)_____ daughter who worked (d)_______ but couldn’t give (e)_____ to her parents. One day she saw a (f)_______ under a rock. She picked it up and found that it was full of (g)______. She took the pot and gave it to her (h)________. The parents were very honest and they asked her to give the pot to their King. The King was surprised and gave the pot to them for their honesty as a reward.
pot parents hard-working very hard happiness money mud gold food little lonely dutiful
11) 11. Read the following lines and choose the right answer from the options(Any TWO)
3+3=6 marks
A. Beauty is in yourself.
Good deeds, happy thoughts
That repeat themselves
In your dreams
In your work
And even in your rest.
(iv) Beauty is in ____________ (oneself/ yourself/ himself)
(v) We should have ________ (good dress/ good looks/good deeds)
(vi) We should be good even in our ( habits/ dreams/actions)
b) On Saturday night, when the news broke about, there was shock and disbelief.
1) The news was about : i) an earth-quake that took place ii)Columbia’s disaster iii)the floods that destroyed the village iv)the lightening that struck the people.
2) The people caught in that sensational news were about
i)Kalpana Chawla and her members ii)Kalpana Chawla and her parents iii) Kalpana Chawla and her husband iv) Kalpana Chawla and the villagers
3) The name of the lesson is
i)An Indo-American woman in Space: Kalpana Chawla ii)An Indian-America woman in Space: Kalpana Chawla iii) An India-America woman in Space: Kalpana Chawla iv) An Indian-American woman in Space: Kalpana Chawla
C) It’s unselfish acts
And kindly sharing
And showing your loved ones
You are always caring.
(i) About what the poet speaks these words?
a) the people b) the politicians c)home and its members d) the animals
(ii) The members of the family described here are ;
a) teachers and students b) doctors and patients c) mothers and fathers d) animals and birds
(iii) The members are also described as
a) loving and caring b) hating and deceiving c) proud and egoistic d) selfish and unkind
12)Answer the following in not more than 20-40 words each. (2*4=8)
a) What abilities must an astronaut have, according to a journalist?
b) Why did the Emperor reward Taro?
c) Why did the dog serve the lion for a long time?
d) What did Patrick think his cat was playing with? What was it really?
13) Do you have a ‘dream’, or something you very much wish to do? Write a paragraph saying what you want or wish to do? Take the inspirations that Kalpana Chawla had and how she succeeded?
OR (6marks)
After reading the lesson Taro’s reward you too decide to be like him. How you will show that you have changed or how you will be a dutiful ,obedient, hardworking and truthful son. Write a diary entry in not more than 150 words.
The real way to distinguish a star from a planet is to see whether it twinkles or not. Stars twinkle, planets don’t. Planets shine only because they get the light of the sun. It is merely the sunshine on the planets or the moon that we see.
Stars are like the sun. They shine of themselves because they are very hot and burning. In fact, the sun itself is a star. It looks bigger than stars because it is much nearer. We see it as a great ball of fire in the sky.
Thus our earth belongs to the family of the sun. We think the earth is very big. Compared to our tiny selves, it is truly very big. It takes weeks and months in a fast train or ship to go from one part of the earth to another. But although it seems so big, it is just like a speck of dust hanging in the air. The sun is millions of miles away and the other stars are even further away. That is why they look so small to us.
Choose the correct option to answer each question;
1. How can we distinguish a star from a planet?
(a). Planets twinkle, stars don’t.
(b). Stars twinkle, planets don’t.
©. Stars are farther than planets.
(d). Planets are farther than stars.
2. What makes the sun shine?
(a). The sun shines because it is very big.
(b). The sun shines because it gets the light of the moon.
©. The sun shines because it is very hot and burning.
(d). The sun shines because we see it during the day.
3. What makes the moon shine?
(a). The light of the sun falling on it.
(b). The light of the earth falling on it.
©. The light of the stars falling on it.
(d). The light of the satellites falling on it.
4. How big is the earth as compared to the universe?
(a). It is a little smaller than the sun.
(b). It is bigger than the sun.
©. It is as big as the sun.
(d). It is only a speck of dust.
5. The word ‘ distinguish’ means ----------
(a). differentiate
(b). combine
©. distribute
(d) . none of these three.
Q.2. READ THE POEM CAREFULLY (5 x 1 = 5 Marks)
Why should I be the first to fall
Of all the leaves on this old tree?
Though sadly soon I know that all
Will lose their hold and follow me.
While my birth-brothers bravely blow,
Why should I be the first to go?
Why should I be the last to cling
Of all the leaves on this bleak bough?
I’ve fluttered since the fire of Spring
And I am worn and withered now.
I would escape the Winter gale
And sleep soft- silvered by a snail.
- Robert Service
Choose the correct option to answer each question.
1. What or who does “I” in this poem refer to ?
(a). A tree
(b). A leaf that has fallen.
©. A dry leaf that is going to fall.
(d). A dead leaf lying on the ground.
2. What season do you think has been painted in the first stanza?
(a). Winter.
(b). Summer.
©. Spring.
(d). Autumn.
3. Who have been called the ‘`birth-brothers’?
(a). Brothers born in the same family.
(b). Leaves of the tree grown at the same time.
©. Leaves of the tree that are now dry and dead.
(d). All the trees in the forest.
4. What does the leaf in the first stanza want to do?
(a). It wants to fall off as soon as it can.
(b). It wants to remain on the tree as long as it can.
©. It wants to remain green and fresh for ever.
(d). It wants to flutter in the winter gale.
5. What does the leaf in the second stanza want to do?
(a). It wants to keep clinging to the bleak bough.
(b). It wants to see itself worn and withered.
©. It wants to flutter in the fire of spring.
(d). It wants to fall down to escape the winter gale.
Today we know about each and every part of the world. There is no land or sea that is not known to us. Man has explored every corner of the world, and he knows all the ways and routes from anywhere to everywhere in the world. He can reach from one place to the other as safely, easily and quickly as he likes. He has maps to guide him and fastest means of transport to carry him.
But for ages, most of the world was unknown to man. To begin with, he lived in caves. Then he came out of caves and started making homes in little corners of forests or behind the hills. He was afraid of wild animals and also of the clouds and the winds. He offered prayers and sacrifices to gods who, he thought, controlled the clouds and the winds. But slowly, through long centuries, men began to explore what lay beyond their caves, hills and forests where they had their homes. They went in their boats, first on the rivers and then across the seas. At first they remained close to the shore, and each new voyager went a little further than the previous one.
Choose the correct option to answer each question:
1. Today there is no part of the world that is ----------------
(a). unknown.
(b). unexplored.
©. both (a) and (b) above.
(d). neither (a) nor (b).
2. To begin with, man lived -----------
(a). in caves.
(b). in forests.
©. in small homes.
(d). in little villages.
3. The early man used to offer prayers and sacrifices to gods because ---------
(a). He was afraid of the clouds and the winds.
(b). He thought gods controlled the clouds and the winds.
©. He lived in caves and forests.
(d). He had very little homes in the corners of forests.
4. What did the early explorers do ?
(a). They went to boats on the rivers.
(b). They went in big ships.
©. They went farther and farther into the sea.
(d). They used steamships in place of boats.
5. What is meant by the word ‘voyager’?
(a). A person who makes sacrifices in order to please gods.
(b). A person who goes about begging from place to place.
©. A person who wants to explore new lands.
(d). A person making a long journey by sea.
Q.4. READ THE PASSAGE CAREFULLY: (5 x 1 = 5 Marks)
Food can maintain or save life. It can destroy life as well. Proper food serves the purpose of medicine. Improper food works as poison and causes diseases. We may take pride in calling ourselves civilized: but we flour all the norms about the quality or quantity of food. We mostly eat processed foods. We have drifted away from mother nature. Thus the incidence of diabetes has increased very much. According to a survey, diabetes was rare in the natives of Canada a few years ago. With the advent of processed and junk foods, the incidence of diabetes had shot up within a very short time. By offering chocolates cakes and ice creams too often to our children and by attending parties every other day, we in fact, invite obesity and diabetes.
Choose the correct option to answer each question
1. What is improper food?
(a). Food that is cooked.
(b). Food that is not cooked.
©. Food that harms our health.
(d). Food that is easily eaten.
2. What is the effect of improper food?
(a) It causes many diseases.
(b). It makes us thin.
©. It makes us active.
(d). It improves our habits.
3. “We flout all the norms about the quality and quantity of food.” This expression
(a). We follow the norms about the quantity and quality of food.
(b). We violate the norms about the quality and quantity of food.
©. We eat healthy food.
(d). We eat les quantity of food.
4. How have we changed our food habits?
(a). We have become non-vegetarians.
(b). We eat better- quality food.
©. We mostly eat processed foods.
(d). We eat too little.
5. What is meant by the word ”obesity”?
(a). To be in the habit of eating too much.
(b). To be in bed for a long time.
©. To be very close to death.
(d). To be fat in an unhealthy manner.
Q.5. Given below is a profile of your younger brother, Surinder. Write his short
biographical sketch. You can take the help of the verbal stimulus given below.
( 4x1= 4 marks)
* Age – twelve years.
* Physique --- strong and healthy.
* Qualities --- intelligent, truthful, honest, hard-working, etc.
* Studies in class VI.
* Sportsman.
* Fond of reading books.
Q.6. You are Vivek. Write an e-mail to your friend inviting him to spend a Sunday
with your family. Base your e-mail on the following verbal input. The layout is
given below.: (8x1=8 marks)
* A Sunday of great significance.
* The day when saved from drowning.
* Celebrating as “Lucky Day”
* Special Programme.
Q.7. You are Kumar / Anita living at Door no.55, at Court Road. Write a letter to your Brother / sister advising her to take care of her health. (8 x 1 = 8 marks)
Q.8. Choose the most appropriate word from the options given below to complete the following passage: (8x1/2 = 4 Marks)
Spending time (a) _________ their kids brings immediate as well as long-term gains (b) _________________ fathers. Children of an involved dad (c) __________ more popular, get on better with their peers and are (d) ____________ empathetic according to a research published (e) ___________ a Canadian study. Today, thanks (f) ____________ modern technology, fathers can, (g) ____________ more time with their children even when they are (h) ___________ from home.
(a) i. of ii. with iii. beside iv. besides
(b) i. to ii. with iii. at iv. in
© i. is ii. was iii. were iv. are
(d) i. more ii. more than iii. most iv. the most
(e) i. with. ii. to iii. by iv. on.
(f). i. to ii. of iii. off iv. with
(g) . i. spends. ii. spent iii. have spend iv. spend
(h) i. away. ii. nearer iii. further iv. farther.
Q.9. Complete the following dialogue by choosing the correct option: (4 x 1 = 4 Marks)
Mother : Minu, why are you so late from school today?
Minu : I visited my friend today.
Mother : Your friend Keerthi telephoned.
Mother : She wanted to know (b) _____________________.
Minu ; I had told her that © _________________________.
Mother : Why don’t you (d) ______________________________.
Minu : Yes , I will.
(a) i. took any message from her?
ii. take any message from her?
Iii any message taken from her?
Iv taken any message from her ?
(b). i. whether you will be going to Radha’s birthday party.
ii. whether will you be going to Radha’s birthday party.
iii. whether shall you be going to Radha’s birthday party.
iv. whether may you be going to Radha’s birthday party.
© i. I will confirm my programme on telephone.
Ii. I shall confirm my programme on telephone.
iii. I would confirm my programme on telephone.
iv. I must confirm my programme on telephone.
(d) i. invites her to our place on Sunday?
ii. invite her at our place on Sunday?
iii. invite her to our place at Sunday?
iv. Invite her to our place on Sunday?
Q.10. Read the following conversations. Then complete each of them in reported speech by choosing from the options given below : (4 x 1 = 4 Marks)
Ramesh : When is the fancy-dress competition in your school?
Rajesh : It is after two weeks.
Ramesh : Are you taking part in it ?
Rajesh : Yes, I am taking part as an engine driver.
(a). Ramesh asked Rajesh __________________-.
i. when was the fancy-dress competition in his school?
ii. when is the fancy-dress competition in his school ?
iii. when the fancy –dress competition in his school is.
iv. when the fancy-dress competition in his school was.
(b). Rajesh replied that ___________________.
i. it is after two weeks.
ii. it was after two weeks.
iii. it has been after two weeks.
iv. It had been after two weeks.
© Ramesh enquires _________________________.
i. whether he was taking part in it.
ii. whether he is taking part in it.
iii. is he taking part in it?
iv. was he taking part in it?
(d). Rajesh said that ______________________.
i. he is taking part as an engine driver.
ii. he has been taking part as an engine driver.
iii. he was taking part as an engine
iv. he had been taking part as an engine driver.
Q.11. Edit the passage given below by choosing an appropriate option from the given options. (8x ½ = 4 Marks)
A big industrial company is (a) in need for stenographers to work in its different units located (b) on the state capitals of northern India. (c) Better salary and other allowances (d) according as the rules of the company shall be paid. (e) Interesting candidates should apply before (f) the seven in this month with copies of testimonials. (g) That found suitable shall have to appear for interview on their own expenses. (h) Previously experience essential.
(a). i. for need of (b). i. with the
ii. in need of ii. for the
iii. in needs of iii. in the
iv. needs of iv. the on
©. i. Better than (d). i. as according as
ii. Good ii. according for
iii. As good as iii according to
iv. The best iv. in according to
(e). i. Interested (f) . i. the seventh of
ii. Interest ii. seventh of
iii. Be interested iii. the seven in
iv. To be interested iv. the seventh on
(g) . i. Who (h). i. Pre
ii. These ii. Previous
iii. Those iii. Before
iv. Whose iv. Already
Q.12. Do as Directed. (4 x 1 = 4 Marks)
(a). The opposite of “defeat” is _________. ( win, victory, winner, victor)
( Choose the correct answer from the options given )
(b). This dress is _______________ than that. ( costly)
(Fill in with the comparative or superlative degree of the word given in the bracket.)
(i) costlier (ii) more costly (iii) costliest
© . He _______________ (try) to solve the problem for three hours before he found
the answer.
(Rewrite the sentence using the past perfect tense of the verb given)
(i) has been trying (ii) had been trying (iii) have been trying
(d). Choose the appropriate meaning of the underlined phrase.
Roopesh loved telling people that he was under doctor’s orders to eat early.
(i). listen carefully, (ii). under treatment, (iii). to talk irrelevantly (iv). blame some one for something
Q.13. Attempt\ any two extracts given below:- (2 x 3 = 6 Marks)
(A). It was evening. The garden hedge was all a flower,
The fair maid came out and said, “I will hire you with a smile”.
Her smile paled and melted into tears, and she went back alone into the dark.
(3 x 1 = 3 Marks)
(i). What did the charming girl offer to the man?
(ii). What impression do you form about the man?
(iii). What made the girl shed tears?
(B). He spoke almost perfect English. But it turned out that he had never set foot in
Dorset, never even been to England. (3 x 1 = 3 Marks)
(i). Who does the word `he’ refer to in the opening line?
(ii). Had Hans ever been to Dorset?
(iii). How did Hans know about Dorset?
©. She spent two days floating in the sea holding on to a wooden door. Eleven times she saw relief helicopters overhead, but they did not see her. (3x1 = 3 Marks)
(i). Whom does `she’ refer to? How old was she?
(ii). How did she spent two days in the sea? How many times did she see relief helicopters overhead?
(iii). What brought her to the shore?
Q.14. Answer any four of the following questions in 3-4 sentences each.(4 x 2 = 8 Marks)
(i). What is the speaker’s last bargain? Why does he call it the best?
(ii). How did the white rulers cripple Indian industries?
(iii). Who was Chunilal? What is his role in the story?
(iv). Bring out the central idea of the poem “The Ant and the Cricket”.
(v). What is Connie’s Christmas present? Why is it the best Christmas present in the world?
Q.15. You are one of the volunteers who went to Andaman and Nicobar Islands for relief work after the tsunami. You listen to the various stories of bravery of ordinary people even as they fight against odds. You admire their determination. Write a diary entry. (6 Marks)
You are Chunilal. Write a diary entry on how you have outwitted Bepin Choudhury.
* * * * *
The real way to distinguish a star from a planet is to see whether it twinkles or not. Stars twinkle, planets don’t. Planets shine only because they get the light of the sun. It is merely the sunshine on the planets or the moon that we see.
Stars are like the sun. They shine of themselves because they are very hot and burning. In fact, the sun itself is a star. It looks bigger than stars because it is much nearer. We see it as a great ball of fire in the sky.
Thus our earth belongs to the family of the sun. We think the earth is very big. Compared to our tiny selves, it is truly very big. It takes weeks and months in a fast train or ship to go from one part of the earth to another. But although it seems so big, it is just like a speck of dust hanging in the air. The sun is millions of miles away and the other stars are even further away. That is why they look so small to us.
Choose the correct option to answer each question;
1. How can we distinguish a star from a planet?
(a). Planets twinkle, stars don’t.
(b). Stars twinkle, planets don’t.
©. Stars are farther than planets.
(d). Planets are farther than stars.
2. What makes the sun shine?
(a). The sun shines because it is very big.
(b). The sun shines because it gets the light of the moon.
©. The sun shines because it is very hot and burning.
(d). The sun shines because we see it during the day.
3. What makes the moon shine?
(a). The light of the sun falling on it.
(b). The light of the earth falling on it.
©. The light of the stars falling on it.
(d). The light of the satellites falling on it.
4. How big is the earth as compared to the universe?
(a). It is a little smaller than the sun.
(b). It is bigger than the sun.
©. It is as big as the sun.
(d). It is only a speck of dust.
5. The word ‘ distinguish’ means ----------
(a). differentiate
(b). combine
©. distribute
(d) . none of these three.
Q.2. READ THE POEM CAREFULLY (5 x 1 = 5 Marks)
Why should I be the first to fall
Of all the leaves on this old tree?
Though sadly soon I know that all
Will lose their hold and follow me.
While my birth-brothers bravely blow,
Why should I be the first to go?
Why should I be the last to cling
Of all the leaves on this bleak bough?
I’ve fluttered since the fire of Spring
And I am worn and withered now.
I would escape the Winter gale
And sleep soft- silvered by a snail.
- Robert Service
Choose the correct option to answer each question.
1. What or who does “I” in this poem refer to ?
(a). A tree
(b). A leaf that has fallen.
©. A dry leaf that is going to fall.
(d). A dead leaf lying on the ground.
2. What season do you think has been painted in the first stanza?
(a). Winter.
(b). Summer.
©. Spring.
(d). Autumn.
3. Who have been called the ‘`birth-brothers’?
(a). Brothers born in the same family.
(b). Leaves of the tree grown at the same time.
©. Leaves of the tree that are now dry and dead.
(d). All the trees in the forest.
4. What does the leaf in the first stanza want to do?
(a). It wants to fall off as soon as it can.
(b). It wants to remain on the tree as long as it can.
©. It wants to remain green and fresh for ever.
(d). It wants to flutter in the winter gale.
5. What does the leaf in the second stanza want to do?
(a). It wants to keep clinging to the bleak bough.
(b). It wants to see itself worn and withered.
©. It wants to flutter in the fire of spring.
(d). It wants to fall down to escape the winter gale.
Today we know about each and every part of the world. There is no land or sea that is not known to us. Man has explored every corner of the world, and he knows all the ways and routes from anywhere to everywhere in the world. He can reach from one place to the other as safely, easily and quickly as he likes. He has maps to guide him and fastest means of transport to carry him.
But for ages, most of the world was unknown to man. To begin with, he lived in caves. Then he came out of caves and started making homes in little corners of forests or behind the hills. He was afraid of wild animals and also of the clouds and the winds. He offered prayers and sacrifices to gods who, he thought, controlled the clouds and the winds. But slowly, through long centuries, men began to explore what lay beyond their caves, hills and forests where they had their homes. They went in their boats, first on the rivers and then across the seas. At first they remained close to the shore, and each new voyager went a little further than the previous one.
Choose the correct option to answer each question:
1. Today there is no part of the world that is ----------------
(a). unknown.
(b). unexplored.
©. both (a) and (b) above.
(d). neither (a) nor (b).
2. To begin with, man lived -----------
(a). in caves.
(b). in forests.
©. in small homes.
(d). in little villages.
3. The early man used to offer prayers and sacrifices to gods because ---------
(a). He was afraid of the clouds and the winds.
(b). He thought gods controlled the clouds and the winds.
©. He lived in caves and forests.
(d). He had very little homes in the corners of forests.
4. What did the early explorers do ?
(a). They went to boats on the rivers.
(b). They went in big ships.
©. They went farther and farther into the sea.
(d). They used steamships in place of boats.
5. What is meant by the word ‘voyager’?
(a). A person who makes sacrifices in order to please gods.
(b). A person who goes about begging from place to place.
©. A person who wants to explore new lands.
(d). A person making a long journey by sea.
Q.4. READ THE PASSAGE CAREFULLY: (5 x 1 = 5 Marks)
Food can maintain or save life. It can destroy life as well. Proper food serves the purpose of medicine. Improper food works as poison and causes diseases. We may take pride in calling ourselves civilized: but we flour all the norms about the quality or quantity of food. We mostly eat processed foods. We have drifted away from mother nature. Thus the incidence of diabetes has increased very much. According to a survey, diabetes was rare in the natives of Canada a few years ago. With the advent of processed and junk foods, the incidence of diabetes had shot up within a very short time. By offering chocolates cakes and ice creams too often to our children and by attending parties every other day, we in fact, invite obesity and diabetes.
Choose the correct option to answer each question
1. What is improper food?
(a). Food that is cooked.
(b). Food that is not cooked.
©. Food that harms our health.
(d). Food that is easily eaten.
2. What is the effect of improper food?
(a) It causes many diseases.
(b). It makes us thin.
©. It makes us active.
(d). It improves our habits.
3. “We flout all the norms about the quality and quantity of food.” This expression
(a). We follow the norms about the quantity and quality of food.
(b). We violate the norms about the quality and quantity of food.
©. We eat healthy food.
(d). We eat les quantity of food.
4. How have we changed our food habits?
(a). We have become non-vegetarians.
(b). We eat better- quality food.
©. We mostly eat processed foods.
(d). We eat too little.
5. What is meant by the word ”obesity”?
(a). To be in the habit of eating too much.
(b). To be in bed for a long time.
©. To be very close to death.
(d). To be fat in an unhealthy manner.
Q.5. Given below is a profile of your younger brother, Surinder. Write his short
biographical sketch. You can take the help of the verbal stimulus given below.
( 4x1= 4 marks)
* Age – twelve years.
* Physique --- strong and healthy.
* Qualities --- intelligent, truthful, honest, hard-working, etc.
* Studies in class VI.
* Sportsman.
* Fond of reading books.
Q.6. You are Vivek. Write an e-mail to your friend inviting him to spend a Sunday
with your family. Base your e-mail on the following verbal input. The layout is
given below.: (8x1=8 marks)
* A Sunday of great significance.
* The day when saved from drowning.
* Celebrating as “Lucky Day”
* Special Programme.
Q.7. You are Kumar / Anita living at Door no.55, at Court Road. Write a letter to your Brother / sister advising her to take care of her health. (8 x 1 = 8 marks)
Q.8. Choose the most appropriate word from the options given below to complete the following passage: (8x1/2 = 4 Marks)
Spending time (a) _________ their kids brings immediate as well as long-term gains (b) _________________ fathers. Children of an involved dad (c) __________ more popular, get on better with their peers and are (d) ____________ empathetic according to a research published (e) ___________ a Canadian study. Today, thanks (f) ____________ modern technology, fathers can, (g) ____________ more time with their children even when they are (h) ___________ from home.
(a) i. of ii. with iii. beside iv. besides
(b) i. to ii. with iii. at iv. in
© i. is ii. was iii. were iv. are
(d) i. more ii. more than iii. most iv. the most
(e) i. with. ii. to iii. by iv. on.
(f). i. to ii. of iii. off iv. with
(g) . i. spends. ii. spent iii. have spend iv. spend
(h) i. away. ii. nearer iii. further iv. farther.
Q.9. Complete the following dialogue by choosing the correct option: (4 x 1 = 4 Marks)
Mother : Minu, why are you so late from school today?
Minu : I visited my friend today.
Mother : Your friend Keerthi telephoned.
Mother : She wanted to know (b) _____________________.
Minu ; I had told her that © _________________________.
Mother : Why don’t you (d) ______________________________.
Minu : Yes , I will.
(a) i. took any message from her?
ii. take any message from her?
Iii any message taken from her?
Iv taken any message from her ?
(b). i. whether you will be going to Radha’s birthday party.
ii. whether will you be going to Radha’s birthday party.
iii. whether shall you be going to Radha’s birthday party.
iv. whether may you be going to Radha’s birthday party.
© i. I will confirm my programme on telephone.
Ii. I shall confirm my programme on telephone.
iii. I would confirm my programme on telephone.
iv. I must confirm my programme on telephone.
(d) i. invites her to our place on Sunday?
ii. invite her at our place on Sunday?
iii. invite her to our place at Sunday?
iv. Invite her to our place on Sunday?
Q.10. Read the following conversations. Then complete each of them in reported speech by choosing from the options given below : (4 x 1 = 4 Marks)
Ramesh : When is the fancy-dress competition in your school?
Rajesh : It is after two weeks.
Ramesh : Are you taking part in it ?
Rajesh : Yes, I am taking part as an engine driver.
(a). Ramesh asked Rajesh __________________-.
i. when was the fancy-dress competition in his school?
ii. when is the fancy-dress competition in his school ?
iii. when the fancy –dress competition in his school is.
iv. when the fancy-dress competition in his school was.
(b). Rajesh replied that ___________________.
i. it is after two weeks.
ii. it was after two weeks.
iii. it has been after two weeks.
iv. It had been after two weeks.
© Ramesh enquires _________________________.
i. whether he was taking part in it.
ii. whether he is taking part in it.
iii. is he taking part in it?
iv. was he taking part in it?
(d). Rajesh said that ______________________.
i. he is taking part as an engine driver.
ii. he has been taking part as an engine driver.
iii. he was taking part as an engine
iv. he had been taking part as an engine driver.
Q.11. Edit the passage given below by choosing an appropriate option from the given options. (8x ½ = 4 Marks)
A big industrial company is (a) in need for stenographers to work in its different units located (b) on the state capitals of northern India. (c) Better salary and other allowances (d) according as the rules of the company shall be paid. (e) Interesting candidates should apply before (f) the seven in this month with copies of testimonials. (g) That found suitable shall have to appear for interview on their own expenses. (h) Previously experience essential.
(a). i. for need of (b). i. with the
ii. in need of ii. for the
iii. in needs of iii. in the
iv. needs of iv. the on
©. i. Better than (d). i. as according as
ii. Good ii. according for
iii. As good as iii according to
iv. The best iv. in according to
(e). i. Interested (f) . i. the seventh of
ii. Interest ii. seventh of
iii. Be interested iii. the seven in
iv. To be interested iv. the seventh on
(g) . i. Who (h). i. Pre
ii. These ii. Previous
iii. Those iii. Before
iv. Whose iv. Already
Q.12. Do as Directed. (4 x 1 = 4 Marks)
(a). The opposite of “defeat” is _________. ( win, victory, winner, victor)
( Choose the correct answer from the options given )
(b). This dress is _______________ than that. ( costly)
(Fill in with the comparative or superlative degree of the word given in the bracket.)
(i) costlier (ii) more costly (iii) costliest
© . He _______________ (try) to solve the problem for three hours before he found
the answer.
(Rewrite the sentence using the past perfect tense of the verb given)
(i) has been trying (ii) had been trying (iii) have been trying
(d). Choose the appropriate meaning of the underlined phrase.
Roopesh loved telling people that he was under doctor’s orders to eat early.
(i). listen carefully, (ii). under treatment, (iii). to talk irrelevantly (iv). blame some one for something
Q.13. Attempt\ any two extracts given below:- (2 x 3 = 6 Marks)
(A). It was evening. The garden hedge was all a flower,
The fair maid came out and said, “I will hire you with a smile”.
Her smile paled and melted into tears, and she went back alone into the dark.
(3 x 1 = 3 Marks)
(i). What did the charming girl offer to the man?
(ii). What impression do you form about the man?
(iii). What made the girl shed tears?
(B). He spoke almost perfect English. But it turned out that he had never set foot in
Dorset, never even been to England. (3 x 1 = 3 Marks)
(i). Who does the word `he’ refer to in the opening line?
(ii). Had Hans ever been to Dorset?
(iii). How did Hans know about Dorset?
©. She spent two days floating in the sea holding on to a wooden door. Eleven times she saw relief helicopters overhead, but they did not see her. (3x1 = 3 Marks)
(i). Whom does `she’ refer to? How old was she?
(ii). How did she spent two days in the sea? How many times did she see relief helicopters overhead?
(iii). What brought her to the shore?
Q.14. Answer any four of the following questions in 3-4 sentences each.(4 x 2 = 8 Marks)
(i). What is the speaker’s last bargain? Why does he call it the best?
(ii). How did the white rulers cripple Indian industries?
(iii). Who was Chunilal? What is his role in the story?
(iv). Bring out the central idea of the poem “The Ant and the Cricket”.
(v). What is Connie’s Christmas present? Why is it the best Christmas present in the world?
Q.15. You are one of the volunteers who went to Andaman and Nicobar Islands for relief work after the tsunami. You listen to the various stories of bravery of ordinary people even as they fight against odds. You admire their determination. Write a diary entry. (6 Marks)
You are Chunilal. Write a diary entry on how you have outwitted Bepin Choudhury.
* * * * *
Q1. Read the following passage carefully/ (5 Marks)
The ability to make and use fire is one of the great advantages people have over animals. Primitive people found fire frightening, just as animals find it frightening. But once they learnt to make and control fire, it became a necessary part of life. It kept out cold, lit up the dark, cooked food, kept people warm, and scared away animals. That is why fire has been worshipped worldwide in ancient cultures. In Greek mythology, Prometheus is said to have stolen fire from heaven. He brought it down the earth for human use. Fire is the spirit of Sun. It is the purest of all elements on earth. It clears darkness which is the region of the evil spirit. It is always moving upwards. It is compassionate when controlled, but it is merciless in destruction when out of control. Moreover, it is the most human of all elements - it is used in service of human beings. An animal has no use of fire. It is used in cooking, in forging ploughs and swords, in kilns for building houses, etc. It has made human cultural evolution on earth possible.
Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate options from the ones given below:
1. From where did Prometheus steal fire?
(a). Sun (b). Hell (c). Stars (d). Heaven
2. Whose spirit is fire?
(a). Of heaven (b). Of comets (c). Of sun (d). Of lightning
3. Which of the following is the purest element?
(a). Air (b). Fire (c). Water (d). Earth
4. Which is the region of the evil spirit?
(a). Ignorance (b). Illiteracy (c). Destruction (d). Darkness
5. Which word in the passage means ‘gradual development’?
(a). compassionate (b). evolution (c). primitive (d). ancient
Q2. Read the following poem carefully (5 Marks)
Everyone that flatters thee
Is no friend in misery.
Words are easy like the wind,
Faithful friends are hard to find.
Every man will be thy friend,
Whilst thou hast wherewithal to spend
But if store of crowns be scant,
No man will supply thy want.
He that is thy friend indeed,
He will help thee in thy need
If thou sorrow, he will weep
If thou wake, he cannot sleep.
Thus of every grief in heart,
He with thee doth bear a part.
These are certain signs to know,
Faithful friends from flattering foe.
William Shakespeare
Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate options from the ones given below:
1. What is this poem about?
(a). About love of money
(b). About true friendship
©. About great leaders
(d). About foolish persons.
2. What does the poet say about flatterers?
(a). He calls them friends.
(b). He calls them enemies.
©. He calls them teachers.
(d). He calls them poets.
3. When do people become our friends?
(a). When we have the money to spend.
(b). When we have the time to spare.
©. When we have the power to rule.
(d).When we have the wisdom to judge.
4. How will a true friend feel when we are in grief?
(a). He will feel a sense of relief.
(b). He will feel bored and disturbed.
©/.He will feel very indifferent.
(d). He will feel very unhappy.
5. What distinction does the poet want us to understand?
(a). The distinction between poverty and riches.
(b). The distinction between high and low.
©. The distinction between friends and flatterers.
(d). The distinction between purity and impurity.
Q3. Read the following passage carefully: (5 Marks)
People travelling long distances frequently have to decide whether they would prefer to go by land, sea, or air. Hardly anyone can positively enjoy sitting in a train for more than a few hours. Train compartments soon get cramped and stuffy. It is almost impossible to take your mind off the journey. Reading is only a partial solution, for the monotonous rhythm of the wheels clicking on the rails soon lulls you to sleep. During the day sleep comes in snatches. At night, when you really wish to go to sleep, you rarely manage to do so. If you are lucky enough to get a couchette,
you spend half the night staring at the small blue light in the ceiling, or fumbling to find your passport when you cross a frontier. Inevitably, you arrive at your destination almost exhausted.
Long car journeys are even more unpleasant, for it is quite impossible even to read. On motorways you can at least travel fairly safely at high speeds, but more often than not, the greater part of the journey is spent on narrow, bumpy roads which are crowded with traffic.
Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate option from the ones given below:
1. Why can’t a railway passenger enjoy sleep during the day?
(a). People go on talking.
(b). Wheels produce noise.
©. Sleep comes in snatches.
(d). Whistle breaks sleep.
2. What does one do while crossing a frontier.
(a). Stares at the small blue light.
(b). Fumbles to find passport.
©. Waits for customs officers.
(d). Guards one’s goods.
3. How does one usually feel on reaching the destination after a long train journey?
(a). Fresh (b) .Active (c). Smart (d). Exhausted
4. Why can’t one travel safely on roads at high speed?
(a). They are narrow.
(b). They are bumpy.
©. They are overcrowded.
(d). All of the above.
5. The word ‘cramped’means________
(a). without enough room or space.
(b). exhausted.
©. vacated
(d). reserved
Q4. Read the following passage carefully: (5 Marks)
Late in the afternoon, Swami Vivekananda spoke in the great meeting. He was dressed in the yellow robes of a Sanyasi. When he came and stood before the people, they were charmed by his appearance. He was silent for sometime and then he felt a divine power in him. He began his speech. He addressed the gathering as ‘ Sisters and Brothers of America’. People clapped their hands and gave him hearty cheers. When the clapping ceased, Swamiji spoke on Hinduism. He said that all the religions of the world were the same. They were all true. Only the paths leading to the goal were different. He also said that Hinduism regards every man, woman and child as a part of God. To a Hindu, the service of man is the true service of God.
Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate option from the ones given below:
1. What did Swami Vivekananda say about the religions of the world?
(a). He said all the religions are the same.
(b). He said all the religions are different.
©. He said there should be only one religion.
(d). He said the religions of the world are useless.
2. What did he feel in him before his speech?
(a). A great sense of fear.
(b). A great sense of pride.
©. A feeling of divine power in him.
(d). A deep love for all the people of his country.
3. How did he address the people at the meeting?
(a). He called them ‘Great Men of America’.
(b). He called them ‘ Men and Women of his country’.
©. He called them ‘ Brothers and Sisters of America’.
(d). He called them ‘Children of the same God’.
4. What subject did Swami Vivekananda speak on?
(a). Education (b). Politics (C). Hinduism (d). Astrology
5. What is the noun form of the word ‘true’?
(a). Truly (b). Truthful (c). Truth (d). Truthfully
Q5. Given below is a profile of Mohan, your best friend. Write a short biographical sketch of Mohan. You can take the help of the verbal stimulus given below: (4 Marks)
* Neighbour
* Play and study together
* Habits - truth-loving, honest, sincere, etc.
* Popular / unpopular
Q6. You are Vivek. Write an e- mail to your friend inviting him to spend a Sunday with your family. Base your e-mail on the following verbal input: ( 8 Marks )
* A Sunday of great significance
* The day when saved from drowning
* Celebrating as “Lucky Day”
* Special Programme
Q7. You are Pradeep, living at 60, Perungulathur, Chennai. Write a letter to the Minister of Transport, Government of Tamil Nadu requesting him to provide the facility of a special bus-service in the morning for school-going children. Base your letter on the following verbal input. (8 Marks)
* No bus-service from Perungulathur to school
* Children go to school by auto rickshaws, cabs
* Four wheelers expensive
Q8. Choose the best word from the options given below to complete the following passage: (4 Marks)
People who don’t have any land for growing a garden often have very small gardens (a) __________ their window-boxes. A window-box should be strongly built, and must (b) __________ firmly supported, for it can be very heavy when filled (c) _________ soil. It should (d) ____________ good water drainage and be filled with finely ground soil mixed with plant food. The direction (e) ______________ the window faces is important. Some plants like the sun; (f) _______ prefer shade. A terrarium is a glass-sided container for growing plants and (g) ___________small creatures. The container must (h) ________ a cover to conserve moisture and humidity.
(a) . i. on ii. in iii. at iv. off
(b) . i. have ii. being iii. be iv. been
© . i. with ii. of iii on iv in
(d) . i. has ii had iii. hadn’t iv. have
(e) . i. which ii. at iii. on iv. how
(f) . i. other ii. another iii. others iv. ones
(g). i. keeps ii. keeping iii. kept iv. keep
(h). i. have ii. has iii. had iv. hasn’t
Q9. Complete the following dialogues by choosing the correct option:
( 4x1= 4 Marks)
Mohit : Nice to see you in the city again. How come you are here?
Ketan : I’ve been posted here.
Mohit : Are you still with the Tata group?
Ketan : Yes, in fact (a) ________________.
Mohit : That’s great! Congratulations. Your promotion calls for a party.
Ketan : Indeed it does. (b) ____________
Mohit : We would love to but we have to go for a wedding tonight.
Ketan : How about Saturday evening?
Mohit : © ____________.
Ketan : Good. Then you should come to my residence at around 7.30 p.m.
Mohit : By the way, where do you live?
Ketan : (d) _________. It is flat 16, Second Floor, Vishnu Enclave.
You must bring your family too.
Mohit : Thank you, we’ll be there by 7.30 p.m.
(a). i. I have been posted here on a promotion.
ii. I will be posted here on a promotion.
iii. I have been post here on a promotion
iv. I have been posted here at a promotion.
(b). i. Shall you like to have it tonight.
ii. Can you like to have it tonight.
iii. Would you like to have it tonight.
iv. Must you like to have it tonight.
©. i. This would quite suit me.
ii. That would quite suit us.
iii. That would quite suit me.
iv. Then would quite suit us.
(d). i. Oh sorry! I forgot to tell you.
ii. Oh sorry! I forget to tell you.
iii. Oh sorry! I’m forgetting to tell you.
iv. Oh sorry! I had forgotten to tell you.
Q10.. Read the following conversation. Then complete each of them in reported speech by choosing from the options given below: (4x1= 4 Marks)
Ramesh : Where are you going ?
Rachana : I am going to school to collect my pass certificate.
Ramesh : How much did you score?
Rachana : I got good marks in all subjects except Maths.
(a). Ramesh asked Rachana ----------------
(i). Where was she going?
(ii). Where is she going?
(iii). Where she is going?
(iv)/ Where she was going?
(b). She said that --------------
(i). I am going to school to collect my pass certificate.
(ii). She was going to school to collect her pass certificate.
(iii). She is going to school to collect her pass certificate.
(iv). I was going to school to collect my pass certificate.
©. Ramesh then wanted to know --------------
(i). how much had she scored?
(ii). how much she scored?
(iii)/ how much she had scored.
(iv). how much she has scored.
(d). She replied that ----------------
(i). she had got good marks in all subjects except maths.
(ii). she got good marks in all subjects except maths.
(iii). she has got good marks in all subjects except maths.
(iv). she gets good marks in all subjects except maths.
Q11. Edit the passage below by choosing in appropriate option from the
given option. (8 x ½ =4 Marks)
Nothing (a) is know about Kabir’s real parents, but we do know that he was brought up by Niru (b) that was a Muslim. (c) As other Muslim boys, Kabir studied the Quran, but he also liked (d) the Hindu and studied their religious books. He (e) learning both Sanskrit (f) also Persian. He wrote many songs and poems about God. He (g) told that God doesn’t live in temples or mosques but (h) into man’s own heart.
(a). (i). are known (b). ( i). which
(ii). is known ( ii). whose
(iii). is know (iii). who
(iv). is knowing (iv). what
(c) . (i). Like other (d) (i). a Hindu
(ii). As others ( ii). any Hindu
(iii). Like others (iii). any Hindus
(iv). So other (iv). the Hindus.
(e) . (i). learn (f). ( i). or
(ii). learning (ii). and
(iii). learnt ( iii). too
(iv). has learnt (iv). but
(g) . ( i). is telling (h) (i). on
(ii). is saying (ii). in
(iii). said (iii). upon
(iv). asked (iv). with
Q12. Do as Directed (4 x 1 = 4 Marks)
(a). Fill in with appropriate idiom from the options given.
Stop ____________ and tell me want you want.
(i). paying attention
(ii). pin the crime
(iii). raising the eyebrows
(iv). beating about the bush
(b). Rearrange the jumbled words . Write down the correct sentence from the options given below.
The villagers / tried/ the crime / on the young woman / to pin
(i). On the young woman the villagers tried to pin the crime.
(ii). The villagers tried to pin the crime on the young woman.
(iii).The young woman tried to pin the crime on the villagers.
© Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate phrase from the bracket.
She ________ tell the principal the truth. ( had to / have to / has to )
(d). Write down the appropriate opposite of the word ‘ recede ‘ from the options given below.
(i). rise
(ii). move forward
(iii). move inside
(iv). prohibit
Q13. Attempt any two extracts given below. (2 x 3 = 6 Marks)
(A). It was evening. The garden hedge was all a flower ( 3 x 1=3 marks)
The fair maid came out and said,” I will hire you with a smile.”
Her smile paled and melted into tears, and she went back alone into the dark.
(i). What did the charming girl offer to the man?
(ii). What impression do you form about the man?
(iii). What made the girl shed tears?
(B). She spent two days floating in the sea, holding on to a wooden door. Eleven times she saw relief helicopters overhead, but they did not see her. (3x1=3 marks)
(i). Whom does ‘she’ refer to ? How old was she?
(ii). How did she spent two days in the sea ? How many times did she see relief helicopters overhead ?
(iii). What brought her to the shore?
©, He had to buy at least five at a time to last him through the week. He lived alone, was not a good mixer, had few friends, and didn’t like spending time in idle chat. (3 x 1 = 3 marks)
(i). Whom does ‘he ‘ refer to?
(ii). What had he to buy?
(iii). What kind of a person was he ?
Q14. Answer any four of the following questions in 3-4 sentences each. (4x2=8 Marks)
(a). How does the poet describe “Macavity “ and his pranks?
(b). Had Bepin Babu really lost his memory and forgotten all about a trip to
Ranchi ?
©. How did the white rulers cripple Indian Industries?
(d). Bring out central idea of the poem “ The Ant and the Cricket “
(e). How did the author find Jim’s letter? What did it contain?
15. You are Chunilal. Write a diary entry on how you have outwitted Bepin Choudhury. (6 Marks)
You are Mrs. Macpherson. Write a letter to your friend, of your excitement and anxiety on receiving “ The Best Christmas Present in the World”.
* * * * *
Q1. Read the following passage carefully. (5 Marks)
The great surface of the sea seems about the same everywhere; but its floor is very uneven. It has mountains and plains like the continents. Here and there are great deeps like tremendous saucers. At other places are hills and valleys. On the ocean floor are mountains whose lofty summits rise to the surface of the sea and from islands such as the Hawaiian group.
We know that the average depth of the sea is about two and a half miles, but in a few places it is very deep indeed ___ over six miles. If the highest mountain in the world, Everest, which is nearly six miles high, could be placed in this deepest place in the Pacific, the mountaintop would still be more than half a mile under the surface of the sea.
Choose the correct option to answer each question:
1. What is the difference between the surface and the floor of the sea?
(a). The surface is almost even but the floor is very uneven.
(b). The surface is very uneven but the floor is almost even.
©. The surface has plains and mountains but the floor doesn’t have any.
(d). The floor has mountains but the surface has plains.
2. The great deeps in the floor of the sea are like ________
(a). huge mountains.
(b). tremendous saucers.
©. great continents.
(d). vast plains.
3. The average depth of the sea is _____________
(a). about four miles.
(b). about six miles.
©. over six miles.
(d). about two and a half miles.
4. The deepest place in the Pacific is _____________________
(a). as deep as the height of Everest.
(b). deeper than the height of Everest.
©. less deep than the height of Everest.
(d). twice as deep as the height of Everest.
5. What are tremendous saucers?
(a). very huge plains
(b). ocean floor
©. very huge curved dishes.
(d). hills and valleys
Q2. Read the poem carefully: (5 Marks)
Letter From a Parent
Dear Sir,
I feel I ought to write
About Tom’s essay-work last night.
Of all the subjects you have set
This seemed the most unwise yet.
“ Describe your family” …… Tom wrote it,
So well, I just had to stop it
Being handed in; --- so did my wife.
The details of our family life
Are not such a kind, alas,
That I should want them read in class :
We did not wish the High School staff
To read them for a lunch-hour laugh.
We tore it out. I realize
You may think that we did unwise ____
But give it your consideration
And please accept my explanation.
I trust you will not blame my son,
For, after all, the work was done.
Yours truly
Leo Fernandez
Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate options from the ones given below:
1. Who wrote this letter and to whom?
(a). A teacher to a student.
(b). A student to a teacher.
©. A teacher to a parent.
(d). A parent to a teacher.
2. What essay had Tom been assigned?
(a). Describing his teachers.
(b). Describing his family.
©. Describing his friends.
(d). Describing his neighbours.
3. What did the parent do with the essay work?
(a). He showed it to Tom’s teacher.
(b). He showed it to Tom’s friends.
©. He read it during lunch hour.
(d). He tore it.
4. What did the parent think the school staff would do?
(a). He thought they would laugh to read Tom’s essay.
(b). He thought they would be angry to read Tom’s essay.
©. He thought they would punish Tom.
(d). He thought they would give Tom a reward.
5. What did the parent want the teacher to do?
(a). To blame Tom.
(b). Not to blame Tom.
©. To punish Tom.
(d). To give Tom a reward.
Q3. Read the following passage carefully: (5 Marks)
The jackal is the most cunning member of the dog family. People don’t like it because it is a terrible thief. What cunning it shows ! If a jackal wants to catch a crow or a magpie, it lies down by the road and makes it believe it is dead. When the bird sees the jackal, it comes down to peck at the `dead’ flesh. Up jumps the cunning jackal, and that is the end of the bird!
There are many tales about the cunning fox, but they are all untrue. The wolf and the jackal are far more cunning than the fox. It is certainly not a capricious (suddenly changing in behaviour or attitude) animal. It never hunts just to kill. It feeds mainly on barn and field mice. It is a master at catching these rodents that do so much damage to farms.
Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate option from the ones given below:
1. Which is the most cunning member of the dog family?
(a). The dog.
(b). The wolf.
©. The jackal.
(d). The fox.
2. Why is the jackal not liked?
(a). Because it is very greedy.
(b). Because it is a terrible thief.
©. Because it looks very ugly.
(d). Because it kills other animals.
3. A jackal lies down by a road when ______________________
(a). it is dead.
(b). it wants to sleep.
©. it wants to catch some bird for its prey.
(d). it wants to attack someone going by that road.
4. It is not true to say that ___________________
(a). the fox is the most cunning of all animals.
(b). the wolf is more cunning than the fox.
©, the jackal is more cunning than the fox.
(d). the wolf and the jackal are more cunning than the fox.
5. The word `capricious’ means __________________
(a). incorrigible (b). incredible (c). Impractical (d). unpredictable
Q4. Read the following passage carefully: (5 Marks)
Once a smart looking young man went to the office of a business firm. He wanted to ask for a job there. The manager was pleased with his behaviour. But he said, “There is no vacancy here.” The young man was very sad and turned to go. As he was passing out of the doorway, he found a pin lying on the floor. He at once picked it up and placed it on the table. The manager was greatly impressed. He thought that the young man was good enough to be employed in his office. So he called him back and appointed him as a clerk. In due course of time, the young man became the head of that firm. It was his sense of discipline order and economy that brought him success in life.
1. What was the young man in need of?
(a). He was in need of money.
(b). He was in need of books.
©. He was in need of a job.
(d). He was in need of new clothes.
2. What was it that pleased the manager?
(a). The young man’s looks.
(b). The young man’s dress.
©. The young man’s knowledge.
(d). The young man’s behaviour.
3. What made the young man sad?
(a). He was told that there was no vacancy.
(b). He was told to get out at once.
©. He was told that he was not fit for the job.
(d). He was told that he had failed.
4. What job was the young man given?
(a). The job of a clerk.
(b). The job of a manager.
©. The job of a head cashier.
(d). The job of a peon.
5. What is meant by the word `vacancy’?
(a). unfilled post.
(b). empty room.
©. decent behaviour
(d). honest labour.
Q5. Given below is a profile of Mahatma Gandhi. Write a short biographical sketch of Mahatma Gandhi. You can take the help of the verbal stimulus given below: (4 Marks)
* Birth – 2 October 1869
* Gentle, loved truth
* Practiced law in South Africa
* Fought for India’s freedom
* Way of fighting - `Ahimsa’
* Death – 30 January 1948
Q6. You are going to appear for the Examination next week. Write an e-mail to your father telling him how you hope to fare in the Examination. Base your email on the following verbal input: (8 Marks)
* Fully prepared
* Revised every chapter
* Made up deficiency in maths also
Q7. You are Arun / Aruna of 86, Gokul Nagar, Rajakilpakkam. You want to buy a bicycle as your school is quite far away from your home. Write a letter requesting your father to send you money for the same. Base your letter on the following verbal input:
(8 Marks)
* School Shifted
* New building far away
* Get lat for school
* Send Rs.2,000/-
Q8. Choose the best word from the options given below to complete the following passage: (8 x ½ = 4 Marks)
A doctor had the habit of talking to the trees (a) _____________ the roadside as he took his walks in the evening. He would bend (b)_______________ kiss the trees lovingly and whisper kind words to (c) _____________. This was (d) __________ odd but beautiful sight. It was indeed (e) ______________ noble act in this wicked world. One day he was very upset (f) _______________ see one of his trees cut down. This nature-lover was so upset (g) _____________ he collapsed on the spot surprising (h) ________ passers-by.
(a). (i). in (ii). above (iii). beside (iv). by
(b). (i). at (ii) to (iii). in (iv). on
(c). (i). them (ii). it (iii). him (iv). that
(d). (i). a (ii) an (iii). but (iv). the
(e). (i). the (ii). an (iii). a (iv). some
(f). (i). at (ii) to (iii). on (iv). in
(g). (i). that (ii). them (iii). than (iv). on
(h). (i). some (ii) the (iii). any (iv). a
Q9. Complete the following dialogues by choosing the correct option: (4x1 = 4 Marks)
Tina : Did you visit the book fair on Carmel Street?
Rose : No. Did you?
Tina : Yes, (a) _____________________________
Rose : Are there (b) _________________________?
Tina : There are books for all age groups.
Rose : Any idea © ________________________?
Tina: I’m not sure. But I guess it will go on for a month.
Rose: Then I must (d) _______________________.
(a). (i). I will
(ii). I did
(iii). I
(iv). Will I
(b). (i). any books for grown-up people
(ii). no any books for grown-up people
(iii). few books for grown-up people
(iv). much books for grown-up people
©. (i). how long will the fair go on
(ii). how long would the fair go on
(iii). how long the fair will go on
(iv). how long the fair goes on
(d). (i). visit them soon
(ii). visited it soon
(iii). to visit it soon
(iv). visit it soon.
Q10. Read the following conversations . Then complete each of them in reported speech by choosing from the options (4 Marks)
Customer: Can I have a small bottle of tomato sauce?
Shopkeeper: Sorry, I have only big bottles.
Customer : When will the small bottle be available?
Shopkeeper: I can give it to you tomorrow.
(a). The customer asked the shopkeeper _________________________
(i). if he could have a small bottle of sauce.
(ii). if he can have a small bottle of sauce.
(iii). can he have a small bottle of tomato sauce?
(iv). that he could have a small bottle of tomato sauce.
(b). The shopkeeper said ___________________________________.
(i). that he has only big bottles.
(ii). that he have only big bottles.
(iii). that he had only big bottles.
(iv). that he have had only big bottles.
©. The customer wanted to know ____________________________.
(i). when would the small bottle available?
(ii). when the small bottle would be available.
(iii). when will the small bottle be available?
(iv). when the small bottle will be available.
(d). The shopkeeper said that ______________________________.
(i). he could give it to him tomorrow.
(ii). he can give it to him tomorrow.
(iii). he can give it to him the next day.
(iv). he could give it to him the next day.
Q11. Edit the passage given below by choosing an appropriate option from the given options: (8 x ½ = 4 marks)
It has rightly (a) be said that `Health is Wealth’. Without (b) better health, there (c) can be none pleasure in life. A man may be very rich and have (d) much servants but all this is useless (e) unless he doesn’t have good health. We (f) can work hardly only if we are healthy. Thus the real secret of (g) successful is good health. If we have good health, our mind will also be healthy. So one must take care for (h) his health.
(a). (i). was said (b). (i). better than
(ii). been said (ii). the best
(iii). was saying (iii). was saying
(iv). be saying (iv). as good as
(c). (i). can be no (d). (i). more
(ii). can’t be no (ii). many
(iii). can’t be none (iii). most
(iv). could be none (iv). number
(e). (i). until (f). (i). can work hard
(ii). where `` (ii). can be work hard
(iii). while (iii). can’t work hardly
(iv). if (iv). can work more harder
(g). (i). successfully (h). (i). her
(ii). succeed (ii). our
(iii). success (iii). their
(iv). succeeding (iv). one’s
Q12. Do as Directed (4 x 1 = 4 Marks)
(a). Choose the appropriate meaning of the underlined phrase.
Roopesh loved telling people that he was under doctor’s orders to eat early.
(i). listen carefully (ii). under treatment (iii). to talk irrelevantly
(iv). blame someone for something.
( b). Fill in the blank with options given in the bracket.
We __________ complain to the police about the noise.
(had to / have to / has to)
© . Fill in the blank using the past perfect tense of the verb given in the bracket.
Both fire and water _______ (take) their toll on this desk.
(i). took (ii). taken (iii). had taken (iv). has taken
(d). Choose the opposite of the word ‘Rivalry’ from the options given below.
(i). brave (ii). powerful (iii). honesty (iv). friendship
Q.13. Read the extracts and answer the following questions by choosing the most appropriate options. Attempt any two: ( 2x3=6 Marks)
(a). At last by starvation and famine made bold.
All dripping with wet, and all trembling with cold,
Away he set off to a miserly ant,
To see if, to keep him alive, he would grant.
(i). Who was starving ?
(ii). Who did he approach for help? When?
(iii). Would you call the ant ‘ miserly’?
(b). He spoke almost perfect English. But it turned out that he had never set foot in
Dorset, never even been to England.
(i). Who does the word ‘he’ refer to in the opening line?
(ii). Had Hans ever been to Dorset?
(iii). How did Hans know about Dorset?
©. Macavity, Macavity, there’s no one like Macavity.
For he’s a fiend in feline shape, a monster of depravity.
You may meet him in a by-street, you may see him in the square.
But when a crime’s discovered, then Macavity’s not there!
(i). Who is Macavity?
(ii). What is the result of police search for the criminal?
(iii). How does he deceive everybody?
Q.14. Answer any four of the following questions. (4 x 2 = 8 Marks)
(i). Who was Chunilal? What is his role in the story?
(ii). What is the speaker’s last bargain? Why does he call it the best?
(iii). How did the British East India Company eventually become the ruler to
(iv). What lesson of Geography did the poet learn when he flew above his city?
(v). What is Coinnie’s Christmas present? Why is it the best Christmas present in
the world?
Q.15. You are one of the volunteers who went to Andaman and Nicobar Islands for relief work after the tsunami. You listen to the various stories of bravery of ordinary people even as they fight against odds. You admire their determination. Write a diary entry. (6 Marks)
You are the visitor. You are in a dilemma. You don’t know whether to disclose your identity and disappoint the old lady or let her believe that her dear Jim has come back. Write a letter to a friend highlighting your anxiety, fears and feelings.
* * * * *
Q1. Read the following passage carefully/ (5 Marks)
The ability to make and use fire is one of the great advantages people have over animals. Primitive people found fire frightening, just as animals find it frightening. But once they learnt to make and control fire, it became a necessary part of life. It kept out cold, lit up the dark, cooked food, kept people warm, and scared away animals. That is why fire has been worshipped worldwide in ancient cultures. In Greek mythology, Prometheus is said to have stolen fire from heaven. He brought it down the earth for human use. Fire is the spirit of Sun. It is the purest of all elements on earth. It clears darkness which is the region of the evil spirit. It is always moving upwards. It is compassionate when controlled, but it is merciless in destruction when out of control. Moreover, it is the most human of all elements - it is used in service of human beings. An animal has no use of fire. It is used in cooking, in forging ploughs and swords, in kilns for building houses, etc. It has made human cultural evolution on earth possible.
Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate options from the ones given below:
1. From where did Prometheus steal fire?
(a). Sun (b). Hell (c). Stars (d). Heaven
2. Whose spirit is fire?
(a). Of heaven (b). Of comets (c). Of sun (d). Of lightning
3. Which of the following is the purest element?
(a). Air (b). Fire (c). Water (d). Earth
4. Which is the region of the evil spirit?
(a). Ignorance (b). Illiteracy (c). Destruction (d). Darkness
5. Which word in the passage means ‘gradual development’?
(a). compassionate (b). evolution (c). primitive (d). ancient
Q2. Read the following poem carefully (5 Marks)
Everyone that flatters thee
Is no friend in misery.
Words are easy like the wind,
Faithful friends are hard to find.
Every man will be thy friend,
Whilst thou hast wherewithal to spend
But if store of crowns be scant,
No man will supply thy want.
He that is thy friend indeed,
He will help thee in thy need
If thou sorrow, he will weep
If thou wake, he cannot sleep.
Thus of every grief in heart,
He with thee doth bear a part.
These are certain signs to know,
Faithful friends from flattering foe.
William Shakespeare
Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate options from the ones given below:
1. What is this poem about?
(a). About love of money
(b). About true friendship
©. About great leaders
(d). About foolish persons.
2. What does the poet say about flatterers?
(a). He calls them friends.
(b). He calls them enemies.
©. He calls them teachers.
(d). He calls them poets.
3. When do people become our friends?
(a). When we have the money to spend.
(b). When we have the time to spare.
©. When we have the power to rule.
(d).When we have the wisdom to judge.
4. How will a true friend feel when we are in grief?
(a). He will feel a sense of relief.
(b). He will feel bored and disturbed.
©/.He will feel very indifferent.
(d). He will feel very unhappy.
5. What distinction does the poet want us to understand?
(a). The distinction between poverty and riches.
(b). The distinction between high and low.
©. The distinction between friends and flatterers.
(d). The distinction between purity and impurity.
Q3. Read the following passage carefully: (5 Marks)
People travelling long distances frequently have to decide whether they would prefer to go by land, sea, or air. Hardly anyone can positively enjoy sitting in a train for more than a few hours. Train compartments soon get cramped and stuffy. It is almost impossible to take your mind off the journey. Reading is only a partial solution, for the monotonous rhythm of the wheels clicking on the rails soon lulls you to sleep. During the day sleep comes in snatches. At night, when you really wish to go to sleep, you rarely manage to do so. If you are lucky enough to get a couchette,
you spend half the night staring at the small blue light in the ceiling, or fumbling to find your passport when you cross a frontier. Inevitably, you arrive at your destination almost exhausted.
Long car journeys are even more unpleasant, for it is quite impossible even to read. On motorways you can at least travel fairly safely at high speeds, but more often than not, the greater part of the journey is spent on narrow, bumpy roads which are crowded with traffic.
Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate option from the ones given below:
1. Why can’t a railway passenger enjoy sleep during the day?
(a). People go on talking.
(b). Wheels produce noise.
©. Sleep comes in snatches.
(d). Whistle breaks sleep.
2. What does one do while crossing a frontier.
(a). Stares at the small blue light.
(b). Fumbles to find passport.
©. Waits for customs officers.
(d). Guards one’s goods.
3. How does one usually feel on reaching the destination after a long train journey?
(a). Fresh (b) .Active (c). Smart (d). Exhausted
4. Why can’t one travel safely on roads at high speed?
(a). They are narrow.
(b). They are bumpy.
©. They are overcrowded.
(d). All of the above.
5. The word ‘cramped’means________
(a). without enough room or space.
(b). exhausted.
©. vacated
(d). reserved
Q4. Read the following passage carefully: (5 Marks)
Late in the afternoon, Swami Vivekananda spoke in the great meeting. He was dressed in the yellow robes of a Sanyasi. When he came and stood before the people, they were charmed by his appearance. He was silent for sometime and then he felt a divine power in him. He began his speech. He addressed the gathering as ‘ Sisters and Brothers of America’. People clapped their hands and gave him hearty cheers. When the clapping ceased, Swamiji spoke on Hinduism. He said that all the religions of the world were the same. They were all true. Only the paths leading to the goal were different. He also said that Hinduism regards every man, woman and child as a part of God. To a Hindu, the service of man is the true service of God.
Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate option from the ones given below:
1. What did Swami Vivekananda say about the religions of the world?
(a). He said all the religions are the same.
(b). He said all the religions are different.
©. He said there should be only one religion.
(d). He said the religions of the world are useless.
2. What did he feel in him before his speech?
(a). A great sense of fear.
(b). A great sense of pride.
©. A feeling of divine power in him.
(d). A deep love for all the people of his country.
3. How did he address the people at the meeting?
(a). He called them ‘Great Men of America’.
(b). He called them ‘ Men and Women of his country’.
©. He called them ‘ Brothers and Sisters of America’.
(d). He called them ‘Children of the same God’.
4. What subject did Swami Vivekananda speak on?
(a). Education (b). Politics (C). Hinduism (d). Astrology
5. What is the noun form of the word ‘true’?
(a). Truly (b). Truthful (c). Truth (d). Truthfully
Q5. Given below is a profile of Mohan, your best friend. Write a short biographical sketch of Mohan. You can take the help of the verbal stimulus given below: (4 Marks)
* Neighbour
* Play and study together
* Habits - truth-loving, honest, sincere, etc.
* Popular / unpopular
Q6. You are Vivek. Write an e- mail to your friend inviting him to spend a Sunday with your family. Base your e-mail on the following verbal input: ( 8 Marks )
* A Sunday of great significance
* The day when saved from drowning
* Celebrating as “Lucky Day”
* Special Programme
Q7. You are Pradeep, living at 60, Perungulathur, Chennai. Write a letter to the Minister of Transport, Government of Tamil Nadu requesting him to provide the facility of a special bus-service in the morning for school-going children. Base your letter on the following verbal input. (8 Marks)
* No bus-service from Perungulathur to school
* Children go to school by auto rickshaws, cabs
* Four wheelers expensive
Q8. Choose the best word from the options given below to complete the following passage: (4 Marks)
People who don’t have any land for growing a garden often have very small gardens (a) __________ their window-boxes. A window-box should be strongly built, and must (b) __________ firmly supported, for it can be very heavy when filled (c) _________ soil. It should (d) ____________ good water drainage and be filled with finely ground soil mixed with plant food. The direction (e) ______________ the window faces is important. Some plants like the sun; (f) _______ prefer shade. A terrarium is a glass-sided container for growing plants and (g) ___________small creatures. The container must (h) ________ a cover to conserve moisture and humidity.
(a) . i. on ii. in iii. at iv. off
(b) . i. have ii. being iii. be iv. been
© . i. with ii. of iii on iv in
(d) . i. has ii had iii. hadn’t iv. have
(e) . i. which ii. at iii. on iv. how
(f) . i. other ii. another iii. others iv. ones
(g). i. keeps ii. keeping iii. kept iv. keep
(h). i. have ii. has iii. had iv. hasn’t
Q9. Complete the following dialogues by choosing the correct option:
( 4x1= 4 Marks)
Mohit : Nice to see you in the city again. How come you are here?
Ketan : I’ve been posted here.
Mohit : Are you still with the Tata group?
Ketan : Yes, in fact (a) ________________.
Mohit : That’s great! Congratulations. Your promotion calls for a party.
Ketan : Indeed it does. (b) ____________
Mohit : We would love to but we have to go for a wedding tonight.
Ketan : How about Saturday evening?
Mohit : © ____________.
Ketan : Good. Then you should come to my residence at around 7.30 p.m.
Mohit : By the way, where do you live?
Ketan : (d) _________. It is flat 16, Second Floor, Vishnu Enclave.
You must bring your family too.
Mohit : Thank you, we’ll be there by 7.30 p.m.
(a). i. I have been posted here on a promotion.
ii. I will be posted here on a promotion.
iii. I have been post here on a promotion
iv. I have been posted here at a promotion.
(b). i. Shall you like to have it tonight.
ii. Can you like to have it tonight.
iii. Would you like to have it tonight.
iv. Must you like to have it tonight.
©. i. This would quite suit me.
ii. That would quite suit us.
iii. That would quite suit me.
iv. Then would quite suit us.
(d). i. Oh sorry! I forgot to tell you.
ii. Oh sorry! I forget to tell you.
iii. Oh sorry! I’m forgetting to tell you.
iv. Oh sorry! I had forgotten to tell you.
Q10.. Read the following conversation. Then complete each of them in reported speech by choosing from the options given below: (4x1= 4 Marks)
Ramesh : Where are you going ?
Rachana : I am going to school to collect my pass certificate.
Ramesh : How much did you score?
Rachana : I got good marks in all subjects except Maths.
(a). Ramesh asked Rachana ----------------
(i). Where was she going?
(ii). Where is she going?
(iii). Where she is going?
(iv)/ Where she was going?
(b). She said that --------------
(i). I am going to school to collect my pass certificate.
(ii). She was going to school to collect her pass certificate.
(iii). She is going to school to collect her pass certificate.
(iv). I was going to school to collect my pass certificate.
©. Ramesh then wanted to know --------------
(i). how much had she scored?
(ii). how much she scored?
(iii)/ how much she had scored.
(iv). how much she has scored.
(d). She replied that ----------------
(i). she had got good marks in all subjects except maths.
(ii). she got good marks in all subjects except maths.
(iii). she has got good marks in all subjects except maths.
(iv). she gets good marks in all subjects except maths.
Q11. Edit the passage below by choosing in appropriate option from the
given option. (8 x ½ =4 Marks)
Nothing (a) is know about Kabir’s real parents, but we do know that he was brought up by Niru (b) that was a Muslim. (c) As other Muslim boys, Kabir studied the Quran, but he also liked (d) the Hindu and studied their religious books. He (e) learning both Sanskrit (f) also Persian. He wrote many songs and poems about God. He (g) told that God doesn’t live in temples or mosques but (h) into man’s own heart.
(a). (i). are known (b). ( i). which
(ii). is known ( ii). whose
(iii). is know (iii). who
(iv). is knowing (iv). what
(c) . (i). Like other (d) (i). a Hindu
(ii). As others ( ii). any Hindu
(iii). Like others (iii). any Hindus
(iv). So other (iv). the Hindus.
(e) . (i). learn (f). ( i). or
(ii). learning (ii). and
(iii). learnt ( iii). too
(iv). has learnt (iv). but
(g) . ( i). is telling (h) (i). on
(ii). is saying (ii). in
(iii). said (iii). upon
(iv). asked (iv). with
Q12. Do as Directed (4 x 1 = 4 Marks)
(a). Fill in with appropriate idiom from the options given.
Stop ____________ and tell me want you want.
(i). paying attention
(ii). pin the crime
(iii). raising the eyebrows
(iv). beating about the bush
(b). Rearrange the jumbled words . Write down the correct sentence from the options given below.
The villagers / tried/ the crime / on the young woman / to pin
(i). On the young woman the villagers tried to pin the crime.
(ii). The villagers tried to pin the crime on the young woman.
(iii).The young woman tried to pin the crime on the villagers.
© Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate phrase from the bracket.
She ________ tell the principal the truth. ( had to / have to / has to )
(d). Write down the appropriate opposite of the word ‘ recede ‘ from the options given below.
(i). rise
(ii). move forward
(iii). move inside
(iv). prohibit
Q13. Attempt any two extracts given below. (2 x 3 = 6 Marks)
(A). It was evening. The garden hedge was all a flower ( 3 x 1=3 marks)
The fair maid came out and said,” I will hire you with a smile.”
Her smile paled and melted into tears, and she went back alone into the dark.
(i). What did the charming girl offer to the man?
(ii). What impression do you form about the man?
(iii). What made the girl shed tears?
(B). She spent two days floating in the sea, holding on to a wooden door. Eleven times she saw relief helicopters overhead, but they did not see her. (3x1=3 marks)
(i). Whom does ‘she’ refer to ? How old was she?
(ii). How did she spent two days in the sea ? How many times did she see relief helicopters overhead ?
(iii). What brought her to the shore?
©, He had to buy at least five at a time to last him through the week. He lived alone, was not a good mixer, had few friends, and didn’t like spending time in idle chat. (3 x 1 = 3 marks)
(i). Whom does ‘he ‘ refer to?
(ii). What had he to buy?
(iii). What kind of a person was he ?
Q14. Answer any four of the following questions in 3-4 sentences each. (4x2=8 Marks)
(a). How does the poet describe “Macavity “ and his pranks?
(b). Had Bepin Babu really lost his memory and forgotten all about a trip to
Ranchi ?
©. How did the white rulers cripple Indian Industries?
(d). Bring out central idea of the poem “ The Ant and the Cricket “
(e). How did the author find Jim’s letter? What did it contain?
15. You are Chunilal. Write a diary entry on how you have outwitted Bepin Choudhury. (6 Marks)
You are Mrs. Macpherson. Write a letter to your friend, of your excitement and anxiety on receiving “ The Best Christmas Present in the World”.
* * * * *
Q1. Read the following passage carefully. (5 Marks)
The great surface of the sea seems about the same everywhere; but its floor is very uneven. It has mountains and plains like the continents. Here and there are great deeps like tremendous saucers. At other places are hills and valleys. On the ocean floor are mountains whose lofty summits rise to the surface of the sea and from islands such as the Hawaiian group.
We know that the average depth of the sea is about two and a half miles, but in a few places it is very deep indeed ___ over six miles. If the highest mountain in the world, Everest, which is nearly six miles high, could be placed in this deepest place in the Pacific, the mountaintop would still be more than half a mile under the surface of the sea.
Choose the correct option to answer each question:
1. What is the difference between the surface and the floor of the sea?
(a). The surface is almost even but the floor is very uneven.
(b). The surface is very uneven but the floor is almost even.
©. The surface has plains and mountains but the floor doesn’t have any.
(d). The floor has mountains but the surface has plains.
2. The great deeps in the floor of the sea are like ________
(a). huge mountains.
(b). tremendous saucers.
©. great continents.
(d). vast plains.
3. The average depth of the sea is _____________
(a). about four miles.
(b). about six miles.
©. over six miles.
(d). about two and a half miles.
4. The deepest place in the Pacific is _____________________
(a). as deep as the height of Everest.
(b). deeper than the height of Everest.
©. less deep than the height of Everest.
(d). twice as deep as the height of Everest.
5. What are tremendous saucers?
(a). very huge plains
(b). ocean floor
©. very huge curved dishes.
(d). hills and valleys
Q2. Read the poem carefully: (5 Marks)
Letter From a Parent
Dear Sir,
I feel I ought to write
About Tom’s essay-work last night.
Of all the subjects you have set
This seemed the most unwise yet.
“ Describe your family” …… Tom wrote it,
So well, I just had to stop it
Being handed in; --- so did my wife.
The details of our family life
Are not such a kind, alas,
That I should want them read in class :
We did not wish the High School staff
To read them for a lunch-hour laugh.
We tore it out. I realize
You may think that we did unwise ____
But give it your consideration
And please accept my explanation.
I trust you will not blame my son,
For, after all, the work was done.
Yours truly
Leo Fernandez
Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate options from the ones given below:
1. Who wrote this letter and to whom?
(a). A teacher to a student.
(b). A student to a teacher.
©. A teacher to a parent.
(d). A parent to a teacher.
2. What essay had Tom been assigned?
(a). Describing his teachers.
(b). Describing his family.
©. Describing his friends.
(d). Describing his neighbours.
3. What did the parent do with the essay work?
(a). He showed it to Tom’s teacher.
(b). He showed it to Tom’s friends.
©. He read it during lunch hour.
(d). He tore it.
4. What did the parent think the school staff would do?
(a). He thought they would laugh to read Tom’s essay.
(b). He thought they would be angry to read Tom’s essay.
©. He thought they would punish Tom.
(d). He thought they would give Tom a reward.
5. What did the parent want the teacher to do?
(a). To blame Tom.
(b). Not to blame Tom.
©. To punish Tom.
(d). To give Tom a reward.
Q3. Read the following passage carefully: (5 Marks)
The jackal is the most cunning member of the dog family. People don’t like it because it is a terrible thief. What cunning it shows ! If a jackal wants to catch a crow or a magpie, it lies down by the road and makes it believe it is dead. When the bird sees the jackal, it comes down to peck at the `dead’ flesh. Up jumps the cunning jackal, and that is the end of the bird!
There are many tales about the cunning fox, but they are all untrue. The wolf and the jackal are far more cunning than the fox. It is certainly not a capricious (suddenly changing in behaviour or attitude) animal. It never hunts just to kill. It feeds mainly on barn and field mice. It is a master at catching these rodents that do so much damage to farms.
Answer the following questions by selecting the most appropriate option from the ones given below:
1. Which is the most cunning member of the dog family?
(a). The dog.
(b). The wolf.
©. The jackal.
(d). The fox.
2. Why is the jackal not liked?
(a). Because it is very greedy.
(b). Because it is a terrible thief.
©. Because it looks very ugly.
(d). Because it kills other animals.
3. A jackal lies down by a road when ______________________
(a). it is dead.
(b). it wants to sleep.
©. it wants to catch some bird for its prey.
(d). it wants to attack someone going by that road.
4. It is not true to say that ___________________
(a). the fox is the most cunning of all animals.
(b). the wolf is more cunning than the fox.
©, the jackal is more cunning than the fox.
(d). the wolf and the jackal are more cunning than the fox.
5. The word `capricious’ means __________________
(a). incorrigible (b). incredible (c). Impractical (d). unpredictable
Q4. Read the following passage carefully: (5 Marks)
Once a smart looking young man went to the office of a business firm. He wanted to ask for a job there. The manager was pleased with his behaviour. But he said, “There is no vacancy here.” The young man was very sad and turned to go. As he was passing out of the doorway, he found a pin lying on the floor. He at once picked it up and placed it on the table. The manager was greatly impressed. He thought that the young man was good enough to be employed in his office. So he called him back and appointed him as a clerk. In due course of time, the young man became the head of that firm. It was his sense of discipline order and economy that brought him success in life.
1. What was the young man in need of?
(a). He was in need of money.
(b). He was in need of books.
©. He was in need of a job.
(d). He was in need of new clothes.
2. What was it that pleased the manager?
(a). The young man’s looks.
(b). The young man’s dress.
©. The young man’s knowledge.
(d). The young man’s behaviour.
3. What made the young man sad?
(a). He was told that there was no vacancy.
(b). He was told to get out at once.
©. He was told that he was not fit for the job.
(d). He was told that he had failed.
4. What job was the young man given?
(a). The job of a clerk.
(b). The job of a manager.
©. The job of a head cashier.
(d). The job of a peon.
5. What is meant by the word `vacancy’?
(a). unfilled post.
(b). empty room.
©. decent behaviour
(d). honest labour.
Q5. Given below is a profile of Mahatma Gandhi. Write a short biographical sketch of Mahatma Gandhi. You can take the help of the verbal stimulus given below: (4 Marks)
* Birth – 2 October 1869
* Gentle, loved truth
* Practiced law in South Africa
* Fought for India’s freedom
* Way of fighting - `Ahimsa’
* Death – 30 January 1948
Q6. You are going to appear for the Examination next week. Write an e-mail to your father telling him how you hope to fare in the Examination. Base your email on the following verbal input: (8 Marks)
* Fully prepared
* Revised every chapter
* Made up deficiency in maths also
Q7. You are Arun / Aruna of 86, Gokul Nagar, Rajakilpakkam. You want to buy a bicycle as your school is quite far away from your home. Write a letter requesting your father to send you money for the same. Base your letter on the following verbal input:
(8 Marks)
* School Shifted
* New building far away
* Get lat for school
* Send Rs.2,000/-
Q8. Choose the best word from the options given below to complete the following passage: (8 x ½ = 4 Marks)
A doctor had the habit of talking to the trees (a) _____________ the roadside as he took his walks in the evening. He would bend (b)_______________ kiss the trees lovingly and whisper kind words to (c) _____________. This was (d) __________ odd but beautiful sight. It was indeed (e) ______________ noble act in this wicked world. One day he was very upset (f) _______________ see one of his trees cut down. This nature-lover was so upset (g) _____________ he collapsed on the spot surprising (h) ________ passers-by.
(a). (i). in (ii). above (iii). beside (iv). by
(b). (i). at (ii) to (iii). in (iv). on
(c). (i). them (ii). it (iii). him (iv). that
(d). (i). a (ii) an (iii). but (iv). the
(e). (i). the (ii). an (iii). a (iv). some
(f). (i). at (ii) to (iii). on (iv). in
(g). (i). that (ii). them (iii). than (iv). on
(h). (i). some (ii) the (iii). any (iv). a
Q9. Complete the following dialogues by choosing the correct option: (4x1 = 4 Marks)
Tina : Did you visit the book fair on Carmel Street?
Rose : No. Did you?
Tina : Yes, (a) _____________________________
Rose : Are there (b) _________________________?
Tina : There are books for all age groups.
Rose : Any idea © ________________________?
Tina: I’m not sure. But I guess it will go on for a month.
Rose: Then I must (d) _______________________.
(a). (i). I will
(ii). I did
(iii). I
(iv). Will I
(b). (i). any books for grown-up people
(ii). no any books for grown-up people
(iii). few books for grown-up people
(iv). much books for grown-up people
©. (i). how long will the fair go on
(ii). how long would the fair go on
(iii). how long the fair will go on
(iv). how long the fair goes on
(d). (i). visit them soon
(ii). visited it soon
(iii). to visit it soon
(iv). visit it soon.
Q10. Read the following conversations . Then complete each of them in reported speech by choosing from the options (4 Marks)
Customer: Can I have a small bottle of tomato sauce?
Shopkeeper: Sorry, I have only big bottles.
Customer : When will the small bottle be available?
Shopkeeper: I can give it to you tomorrow.
(a). The customer asked the shopkeeper _________________________
(i). if he could have a small bottle of sauce.
(ii). if he can have a small bottle of sauce.
(iii). can he have a small bottle of tomato sauce?
(iv). that he could have a small bottle of tomato sauce.
(b). The shopkeeper said ___________________________________.
(i). that he has only big bottles.
(ii). that he have only big bottles.
(iii). that he had only big bottles.
(iv). that he have had only big bottles.
©. The customer wanted to know ____________________________.
(i). when would the small bottle available?
(ii). when the small bottle would be available.
(iii). when will the small bottle be available?
(iv). when the small bottle will be available.
(d). The shopkeeper said that ______________________________.
(i). he could give it to him tomorrow.
(ii). he can give it to him tomorrow.
(iii). he can give it to him the next day.
(iv). he could give it to him the next day.
Q11. Edit the passage given below by choosing an appropriate option from the given options: (8 x ½ = 4 marks)
It has rightly (a) be said that `Health is Wealth’. Without (b) better health, there (c) can be none pleasure in life. A man may be very rich and have (d) much servants but all this is useless (e) unless he doesn’t have good health. We (f) can work hardly only if we are healthy. Thus the real secret of (g) successful is good health. If we have good health, our mind will also be healthy. So one must take care for (h) his health.
(a). (i). was said (b). (i). better than
(ii). been said (ii). the best
(iii). was saying (iii). was saying
(iv). be saying (iv). as good as
(c). (i). can be no (d). (i). more
(ii). can’t be no (ii). many
(iii). can’t be none (iii). most
(iv). could be none (iv). number
(e). (i). until (f). (i). can work hard
(ii). where `` (ii). can be work hard
(iii). while (iii). can’t work hardly
(iv). if (iv). can work more harder
(g). (i). successfully (h). (i). her
(ii). succeed (ii). our
(iii). success (iii). their
(iv). succeeding (iv). one’s
Q12. Do as Directed (4 x 1 = 4 Marks)
(a). Choose the appropriate meaning of the underlined phrase.
Roopesh loved telling people that he was under doctor’s orders to eat early.
(i). listen carefully (ii). under treatment (iii). to talk irrelevantly
(iv). blame someone for something.
( b). Fill in the blank with options given in the bracket.
We __________ complain to the police about the noise.
(had to / have to / has to)
© . Fill in the blank using the past perfect tense of the verb given in the bracket.
Both fire and water _______ (take) their toll on this desk.
(i). took (ii). taken (iii). had taken (iv). has taken
(d). Choose the opposite of the word ‘Rivalry’ from the options given below.
(i). brave (ii). powerful (iii). honesty (iv). friendship
Q.13. Read the extracts and answer the following questions by choosing the most appropriate options. Attempt any two: ( 2x3=6 Marks)
(a). At last by starvation and famine made bold.
All dripping with wet, and all trembling with cold,
Away he set off to a miserly ant,
To see if, to keep him alive, he would grant.
(i). Who was starving ?
(ii). Who did he approach for help? When?
(iii). Would you call the ant ‘ miserly’?
(b). He spoke almost perfect English. But it turned out that he had never set foot in
Dorset, never even been to England.
(i). Who does the word ‘he’ refer to in the opening line?
(ii). Had Hans ever been to Dorset?
(iii). How did Hans know about Dorset?
©. Macavity, Macavity, there’s no one like Macavity.
For he’s a fiend in feline shape, a monster of depravity.
You may meet him in a by-street, you may see him in the square.
But when a crime’s discovered, then Macavity’s not there!
(i). Who is Macavity?
(ii). What is the result of police search for the criminal?
(iii). How does he deceive everybody?
Q.14. Answer any four of the following questions. (4 x 2 = 8 Marks)
(i). Who was Chunilal? What is his role in the story?
(ii). What is the speaker’s last bargain? Why does he call it the best?
(iii). How did the British East India Company eventually become the ruler to
(iv). What lesson of Geography did the poet learn when he flew above his city?
(v). What is Coinnie’s Christmas present? Why is it the best Christmas present in
the world?
Q.15. You are one of the volunteers who went to Andaman and Nicobar Islands for relief work after the tsunami. You listen to the various stories of bravery of ordinary people even as they fight against odds. You admire their determination. Write a diary entry. (6 Marks)
You are the visitor. You are in a dilemma. You don’t know whether to disclose your identity and disappoint the old lady or let her believe that her dear Jim has come back. Write a letter to a friend highlighting your anxiety, fears and feelings.
* * * * *
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