General Instructions:
This paper consists of four sections
Section A - Reading (20 marks)
Section B - Writing (20 marks)
Section C - Grammar (20 marks)
Section D - Literature (20 marks)
- All questions should be answered in your answer sheets only.
- Do not exceed the prescribed word limit.
At evening when I go to bed
I see the stars shine overhead;
They are the little daisies white,
That dot the meadow of the night.
And often while I am dreaming so,
Across the sky the moon will go;
It is a lady, sweet and fair,
Who comes to gather daisies there.
For, when at morning I arise,
There’s not a star left in the skies:
She’s picked them all and dropped them down.
Into the meadows of the town.
A 1 When does the speaker go to bed ?
a) At night
b) During day
c) Evening
2 What does she see in the night?
a) Daffodils
b) Stars
c) Daisies
3 Who comes to gather daisies?
a) A maid
b) A lady
c) An old lady
4 What crosses the sky when she dreams?
a) The Sun
b) The moon
c) The stars
5 When she rises up what does she find?
a) The sky is empty
b) The sky is brightly lit.
c) The sky looks cloudy.
A man found a cocoon of a butterfly. One day a small opening appeared. He sat and watched the butterfly for several hours as it struggled to force its body through that little hole. Then it seemed to stop making any progress. It appeared as if it could go no further. So the man decided to help the butterfly. He took a pair of scissors and snipped off the remaining bit of the cocoon. The butterfly then emerged easily. But it had a swollen body and small, shrivelled wings.
The man continued to watch the butterfly because he expected that, at any moment, the wings would enlarge and expand to be able to support the body, which would contract in time. Neither happened! In fact, the butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling around with a swollen body and shrivelled wings. It never was able to fly.
In his kindness and haste ,he did not understand that he was restricting the cocoon and the struggle which was required for the butterfly to get through and the tiny opening were God's way of forcing fluid from the body of the butterfly into its wings so that it would be ready for flight once it achieved its freedom from the cocoon.
Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our lives. If God allowed us to go through our lives without any obstacles, it would cripple us.
1One day a man found the cocoon of a butterfly---------------
a) Slowly crawling out
b) Which was finding difficult to come out?
c) Ready to fly
d) Beautiful with coloured wings
2 After some time the man cut the ---------------
a) Butterfly
b) Cocoon of the butterfly
c) Its wings
3 The man’s act ----------- to come out.
a) Damaged the butterfly’s wings
b) Eased the butterfly.
c) Did not help the butterfly
4 The butterfly had to spend the rest of the life crawling because--------------
a) He took pity on the butterfly
b) It had a quick and easy way out into the world
c) He did not allow it to struggle and come out.
d) It could not fly
5 The story is good example of
a) Haste makes waste
b) All that glitters is not gold
c) Prevention is better than cure
A 3 The time is now to save these magnificent cats, the tigers, before they vanish from the earth forever. There is little time left to preserve these animals, immediate action is required. The latest predictions state that tigers will be extinct in the wild by the year 2015. That is less than 12 short years from now. That’s less then 14 years to save a creature that has been around far longer than ourselves.
Tigers are an integral part of the ecosystem, and a major link in the food chain. Tigers have been bestowed magical and supernatural properties by many societies, and have also been revered as gods. All living creatures of mother earth depend on one another for survival. We as human beings are brothers and sisters to every living being, from the plants to the animals to each other.
Crimes like killing of tigers must be stopped. Penalties for killing tigers, and other protected wildlife need to be strongly enforced..
Read the passage and choose the correct answer. 5x1=5marks
1The tiger belongs to the -----------------
a) Wolf family
b) Cat family
c) Lion family
d) Dog family
2 There will be no tigers by the year ----------
a) 2101
b) 2015
c) 2055
d) 2151
3 Tigers are important to maintain the
a) Ecological balance in nature.
b) The climate of the environment.
c) Important links between all animals.
d) Rainfall in the environment.
4 All living creatures are -----------------on one another.
a) Dependent
b) Independent
c) Interdependent
5------------------ for killing tiger should be seriously implemented.
a) Reward
b) Punishment
c) Award
d) Rules.
A 4 New York is the largest city in the United States. More than eight million people live in the Big Apple. New York City is also home of the United Nations. New York city is located in the state of New York. New York City is home to two hundred and fifty museums, four hundred art galleries, and the world famous Broadway for entertainment.
New York City is the business capital of the world and many national and international corporations have their headquarters in New York City. Wall Street, the world's leading center of finance and the home of the American Stock Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange.
As far as professional sports go, this city has two of everything. Two professional baseball, basketball, hockey, and football teams are located in the city.
Choose the correct answer 5 marks
1. New York is the largest ______ in the United States.
a. city b. country c. state d school |
2. New York is home to more than _______ million people.
a. two b)five c )eight d)ten
3. Which of the following is a true statement |
a. New York is a small city. |
b. New York has a large number of arts galleries. |
c. New York has little impact on the world's economy. |
d. None of the above. |
4. How many stock exchanges reside in New York? a. none b)one c)two d)three
5) The city is famous for ---------------------- a) sports b)infotainment c)temples d)churches |
SECTION B WRITING 20 MARKS B1 The Social Science Club of your school has decided to take the VII class to visit the State Museum. in Chennai. As the secretary of the Social club write a notice informing the students about the visit. Include all necessary details.(5 marks).
B2 Recently you have celebrated your birthday on 20th September but your best friend could not attend the party.Your friend had sent a Harry Potter book as a gift on your birthday. Write a letter thanking him/ her for sending such a valuable gift. (8 Marks)
B 3 With the given hints construct a story and give a suitable title with a moral.-(7 marks) Two friends were travelling in a thick forest---- met a bear---one man climbed a tree top----another man pretended to be dead-----bear smelt the man--- found him to be dead -----left him and went away---- .the friend came down from tree--- the other friend disappointed with his friend who left him in danger learnt a lesson --- don’t believe a friend who runs from from problems.
SECTION C GRAMMAR 20 MARKS C1 Fill in with the appropriate forms of the words given in the bracket.(4 marks) 1 Due to his a) ------------------- he lost his job.If he hadn’t been b) -------------- with his boss he could have retained his job.(Anger) 2 I put the a) --------------- of my family above all things .If you make other b)-------------------- you will automatically become cheerful.(happy) 3 The a)-------------------- gave his b)--------------------- , and it brought happiness to all .(judge) 4 Not everything you read is ----------------------- true/ truth.
C2 Rewrite each as a single sentence.Use ‘if’ at the beginning of the sentence.(3 marks)
1 Walk fast.You’ll catch the train.
2 Don’t smoke on the road .You’ll be punished.
3 Don’t tease the animals.It will bite you.
C3 Complete each sentence by choosing the correct option ( 2 marks)
1 He will lend his pen -----------------------------.(If you want to /if you don’t want to/if you want him to).
2 Don’t go to school ------------------------------( If you want to /if you don’t want to/if you want him to). |
C4 Change the sentences into reported speech ( 4 marks)
1 He said, "I like the song."
He said--------------------------------------------------------- 2 I cannot drive them home," he said. He said ----------------------------------- 3 Gopal said “I want to see the king” Gopal told ------------------------------------------- 4 Gopal’s wife said “why is your face half shaven”? Gopal’s wife asked him--------------------------------------
C5 Fill in the blanks with correct question words./whereWhat/Who/when/. (4 marks)
Sheela: a)-----------do you plan to go to the movie? Neha:Probably next Sunday. Sheela: b)--------- do you plan to wear? Neha: Some casuals Jeans and t-shirt. Sheela:c)------------- are all joining you? Neha: My sister ,Ramya and Shalini . Sheela:d)---------- is the theatre? Neha: in royapettai.
C 6 Fill in with articles( a,an, the) (4 marks)
1 ----------capital of France is Paris.
2 John had -----omelette for lunch.
3 James Bond ordered ----drink. Literature 20 marks
Read the extract and answer the questions . ( 3 marks)
D1 ‘ I often think there is someone staring at me Each time that I pass I’ll peep through that window one day”.
a) Which window is the speaker referring to? b) How does the brother frighten the speaker ? |
| | | |
c)Name the poem and the poet.
Read the extract and answer the questions .( 3 marks)
D2 What’s the matter with you .?Why are you smearing yourself with ash?
a) Who is the speaker and to whom is it being addressed?
b) Why did the man smear himself with ash?
c) Did he win in the challenge ?
d) Name the lesson.
D3 Answer any two questions.2x2 =4marks
a) The king forgave the bearded man . What did he do to show his forgiveness?
b) What makes Mridu conclude that the beggar has no money to buy the chappals?
c) What did the king ask Gopal to do to prove that he was clever?
d) Why did the diamo reward the farmer but punish his neighbour for the same act?
D3 Answer any two questions 2x2=4 marks
a) What was soapy’s first plan and why did it not work?
b) Why does the temperature rise during the day and falls rapidly during at night . why?
c) How did Kari help himself with the bananas without any tone noticing it?
d) Why do the worker ants carry the grub about?
D 4 Imagine yourself to be the king . Write a diary on the day your questions were answered and you felt relieved. ( word limit 100 words ) 6 marks
Imagine yourself to be the Music master in the lesson gift of chappals. Write a diary on the day you lost your chappasl and how you were given another pair by Rukku Manni. ( word limit 100 words ) 6 marks